Coming Home to Katoomba Read online

Page 13

  'She's right,' Kasey added, as she walked around the bench and climbed onto one of the stools. 'Now, are we going out today or are you two going to make moochy faces at each other?'

  'Moochy faces?' Oliver reluctantly let Stephanie go and came to sit by his daughter.

  'You figure it out, Dad.'

  'Hmrn, I think I already have.' He looked across at Stephanie again and to his surprise she winked at him. It brought the smile back to his face. 'Right. Let's have breakfast and get this day rolling. Frivolity—here we come.'

  Stephanie quickly excused herself and rushed to her room, closing the door firmly and leaning against it. Then, as though her legs were made of jelly, she walked across to the mirror and looked at her reflection.

  Her blue eyes were wide with incredulity and she shook her head slowly as she acknowledged the truth of her emotions. 'It shouldn't have happened,' she told her reflection softly. 'How could it have happened?'

  Quite easily, came the answer from her heart, and she realised it was the truth. From the moment she'd met Oliver, she'd known there was something different about him. There was amazing chemistry between them, they'd become good friends and she'd helped him mend some fences with his daughter. It was no wonder she'd fallen in love with the guy, but the main problem was, what on earth was she supposed to do about it?


  'Steph?' Oliver called as he knocked on her bedroom door five minutes later. 'Stephen's on the phone.'

  'Oh.' Stephanie crossed to her bedside table and checked her cellphone. Closing her eyes, she shook her head, realising she'd forgotten to charge it again. 'Uh...' She cleared her throat. 'I'll be right there.'

  Straightening her shoulders, she gave herself a quick check in the mirror, then laughed at her own antics. Oliver wouldn't be able to see what she'd discovered. It wasn't as though she had the words, 'I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU' tattooed to her forehead. Stephen would know, hence his phone call, but Oliver—he'd be clueless. She opened the door. At least, she hoped he'd be clueless.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked out and picked up the phone. 'Hi. I forgot to charge my cellphone.'

  'What's going on?'

  'Uh...nothing much. We're leaving soon for a day out, seeing the sights.' She knew her voice sounded over-bright and knew Stephen would pick up on that.

  'You can't talk, eh? OK. Well, have a nice day and I'll talk to you later. Love you, sis.'

  'Love you, too,' she said, and hung up. She glanced across at Oliver and was surprised to find him looking at her. He knows! No, he can't know. I didn't even know until ten minutes ago. How could he possibly know?

  'So...' She clicked her fingers, knowing she was behaving uncharacteristically. 'What's for breakfast? Can I help, Mrs D.?'

  'Thank you, Stephanie. That would be appreciated.'

  Glad to have something to do, Stephanie eventually found her usual fun-loving attitude and soon had everyone laughing. They all had a good day and after eating lunch at Caves House at Jenolan, they took the scenic route back to Blackheath. At the Megalong Tearooms down in the winding but picturesque Megalong Valley, Mrs Dixon sighed.

  'I have to confess, dear, that I'm not an outdoors person but this area is just divine. It's extremely pretty and reminds me of home.'

  'Whereabouts are you from?' Stephanie asked, giving Oliver a wink. She'd definitely won the bet and the rosters were no longer hers to worry about.

  'Cumbria, dear. Have you ever been there?'

  'Not to Cumbria. I only made it as far as London.' Stephanie toyed with her cup, looking out to where Kasey was playing on the grass with the owners' dog.

  'All the tourist spots and nightclubs?' Oliver asked. Stephanie met his gaze for a second before shaking her head, unable to believe that tears were welling in her eyes. 'Steph?' He took her hand in his.

  'I went to London to say goodbye to my mother. She died three days after I arrived.'

  Oliver squeezed her hand, pain reflected in his eyes.

  'Oh, my dear. I'm sorry to hear that,' Mrs Dixon offered. 'And your father?'

  'He died when Stephen and I were teenagers.'

  'So it's just you and your brother, then?'


  'Then it's nice that you're both so close,' she finished with a smile. 'I've given up all hope of Oliver and Augustus becoming friends.'

  'I'm glad to hear that, Mrs D.,' Oliver said, still holding Stephanie's hand. It appeared he was in no hurry to let it go. 'Because that means it's safe to tell you that Augustus is pursuing Nadele.'

  Mrs Dixon was momentarily stunned before she nodded. 'Well, at least they're a better fit than you and Nadele. Why you ever married that woman in the first place is beyond me.'

  'Call it an experiment that went wrong.'

  'Is that what it was?' Stephanie asked.


  'More like your brain that went wrong,' Mrs Dixon added, and Stephanie laughed.

  'Either way, it was a long time ago and is in the past.'

  'Yes, you're right, dear. I apologise for mentioning it. At least,' Mrs Dixon said, as she stood, 'you're making better choices now.' She patted Stephanie's free hand before walking off.

  'Well, well,' Oliver said, as he shifted around to come and sit on the bench seat next to Stephanie. 'It appears you've been given the seal of approval by Mrs D.'

  'Hmm. I take it that's a good thing?'

  Oliver smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the nose. 'That's a very good thing.' He pulled back, the smile slowly slipping from his face as he held her gaze. 'Have I mentioned that I find you mind-numbingly attractive?'

  Stephanie felt the butterflies begin to whirl in her stomach. It happened every time Oliver looked at her that way, and today was no exception. In fact, today everything had intensified but she'd hardly expected less, considering she'd acknowledged she was in love with the man. She sighed and decided to enjoy the sensation rather than fight it. So what? She loved Oliver and he was looking at her now as though he wanted to kiss her senseless. Who was she to deny him?

  His gaze flicked from her eyes to her mouth, lingering on the mouth in a sweet, visual caress. It was just as if he'd touched her, and when his gaze returned to hers, she knew he could read the desire there...that she wanted his touch, his lips to be on hers.

  'Maybe we should try dating,' he murmured as he gradually closed the gap. 'It's there, Steph. The attraction is there and it keeps getting stronger.' His breath fanned her face and her lips parted in hungry anticipation, needing and wanting him with every agonising second they were apart. 'Friends is fun, but...'

  'But this is better.'

  'Mmm.' His fingers caressed her cheek and her eyelids fluttered closed as a wave of tingles spread over her. He was intoxicating and even though they'd tried to slow things down, the increasing pressure was too much for either of them to deny.

  Opening her eyes, she looked at his mouth. So full and rich and just waiting for her. It felt so right. Everything about them... It was as though they were destined and she knew intuitively they were meant to be.

  'Oliver.' His name had barely left her lips when his mouth was finally pressed to hers. Both of them gasped then relaxed into the kiss, unable to believe how incredible the chemistry between them was.

  His hands came up to cup her face, her earrings tinkling. His body language spoke of need, of greed and of possession, and he didn't care. He couldn't believe the way this woman seemed to make him forget all rationality. He'd never felt so...consumed before, and the more he got to know her, the more he desired her.

  Her mouth was sublime, the perfect fit to his, opening beneath his, matching his hunger and passion to the fullest extent. How could he not want more? They were two halves that made a whole and although he'd expected the revelation to shock him, it only made him deepen the kiss, wanting to prove to her that she was special.

  Until now, the kisses they'd shared had been merely a prelude to what they were both experiencing. How could she have not realised sooner th
e intensity of her feelings for this man? Even in the last few seconds, since his mouth had been pressed to hers, her emotions had grown. They were meant to be and that was all she could focus on. The rest of the world was out of focus—there was only the two of them, and that was fine by her.

  Stephanie pulled back, gasping for breath, leaning on him for support. 'Oliver.'

  He swallowed. 'I know.' He held her, his hands gently caressing her back. 'You know, I think that's the first time I've kissed you that we haven't been interrupted.'

  Stephanie merely sighed, breathing in the fresh, spicy scent of him.

  'Let's take a chance, Steph. Let's date.'

  She was silent for a moment and he wondered whether she'd heard him. Eventually, she spoke.

  'I don't know if I can.'

  'Date me?' Oliver pulled back to look at her, a little perplexed. 'Can't you feel the buzz between us?'

  'Is it a bee?' she asked, and he gave her a small grin for her attempt at humour.

  'Steph. We're good together.' Although she'd said she was inexperienced as far as relationships went, didn't she realise how incredible it was between them? Didn't she realise that relationships like this didn't just fall off trees? 'Come on. Let's try dating.'

  'I don't know if I can,' she repeated, and edged away from him a little. Stephanie could almost hear the blood pumping faster around her body as she met his gaze.

  'Why not?'

  'Because I'm in love with you,' she blurted. She watched as the rapture they'd just shared was washed away. 'Yes, I want to date you but I want more than just dates, Oliver.'

  'What do you want?' He frowned a little, uncertain how to take the bomb she'd just dropped on him.

  'The fairy-tale. Isn't that what every girl wants when she falls in love?'

  'Are you sure it's real love?'

  Stephanie felt her hackles rise and the look in Oliver's eyes told her he realised he'd said the wrong thing. 'I may be a novice when it comes to relationships, Oliver, but I'm not a novice when it comes to reading my own emotions. At least I'm honest enough to admit it.'

  'What's that supposed to mean? That I'm not?'

  She stood and took a few steps away from him.

  'Stephanie, I don't know you that well.' The look she gave him would have withered even the toughest weed, and once more he realised he'd said the wrong thing. He shook his head and raked a hand through his hair. 'Can't we just try dating? Getting to know each other even better?'

  When she didn't reply, he clambered from the bench seat and came to stand before her. 'Look, Steph. I've been there. Marriage. It wasn't good.'

  'I've heard it isn't good if you're married to the wrong person, and how dare you compare me to Nadele? I may not know the woman but, from what I've heard you, Kasey and Mrs Dixon say, I'm nothing like her. Anyway, this has nothing to do with her. This is between the two of us, Oliver. I understand your need to want to slow things down, to date, to get to know each other more, but I also thought you should know the truth. I'm not into keeping secrets.'

  Stephanie took a deep breath then shrugged. 'You're right. There is something amazing between us, but the question you need to ask yourself is just how far you're willing to take things. I'm not going to date you if it's just an interlude for you. I'm also not going to apologise for my feelings. You're so incredible.' She smiled shyly at him. 'How could I resist falling in love with you?'

  * * *

  It seemed, on the drive home, that Stephanie was more than happy to keep up a friendly banter with Mrs Dixon and Kasey, but the instant they arrived home she headed to her room tad that was the last he saw of her for the day.

  Oliver needed space. Everything had happened so fast and his feelings for Stephanie were so confusing. On one hand, he resented her blurting out the fact that she was in love with him. It made him want to retreat into his cave where no one could get at him, but somehow she still managed to affect him—even there. On the other hand, he was aware of the precious gift she'd given him. She loved him! It thrilled him and totally freaked him at the same time.

  Could he go there again? Open himself up to the hurt, pain and humiliation that could come with marriage? Unfortunately for Stephanie, he'd seen the worst side possible where marriage was concerned. She was right, though. She wasn't Nadele and he had to realise that any relationship he might have with Stephanie would be completely different. He was a completely different man to the one who'd married Nadele all those years ago, so surely that was proof enough that he and Stephanie wouldn't fail.

  Why was it that just as one part of his life finally settled down, another part exploded, leaving him to gather the pieces and try and figure out which way to put them back together again? Kasey, or Kaz as he'd started to call her, had opened up to him. She was becoming more generous with her hugs and he marvelled at the difference in her in such a short space of time. Was it because he'd told her he loved her? That she could see that he loved her? Was it because Stephanie had instantly tapped into the child's psyche and guided him through the minefield of emotions until Kasey had been willing to let him in?

  Perhaps the vast distance between child and mother was a contributing factor. Usually Nadele had Kasey either side of his court-appointed time, but this year Kasey knew it would be quite a while before she'd have to see her mother again...and if he had his way, it would be a great deal longer.

  He picked up the latest information from his solicitor and knew this was something he could deal with. It would mean a trip to Sydney to work out the final details, but if everything went to plan, he might have permanent custody of Kasey within the next few weeks. It was better than he'd hoped and it was all thanks to Augustus.

  During the next week, Oliver watched with delight as Kasey continued to blossom. She made him happy and proud and as it looked as though her stay in Australia would be permanent, he decided the time was right to move on. He contacted the estate agent and started looking at a few properties. Kasey, of course, came with him as she had a right to say where they would live. She usually had a lot of questions about things, but today—nearly a week after their wonderful day travelling around the Blue Mountains—her questions were more about Stephanie than the accommodation.

  'Why do we have to move?'

  'We've been over this, Kaz. The place we're staying in doesn't belong to us.'

  'What about Steph?'

  'Stephanie's house will be rebuilt soon.'

  'Will she be moving back there?'

  'Of course. It will be her house.' Oliver inspected the kitchen cupboards while they spoke, but his mind was definitely not on what he was doing. Kasey's questions had triggered in him a response to delay everything—delay moving out of the house they were in now and also asking Stephanie to hold the future construction of her home. He had no right to do either, but that didn't stop him feeling a need to hold on to things just the way they were.

  Although, if he was completely honest, he'd acknowledge the relationship between him and Stephanie was becoming more strained as the days passed. It wasn't that they were being uncivil to each other but that they were killing each other with polite kindness. He also noticed she stayed out of his way as much as possible.

  'Are you going to see if Mom will let me stay in Australia for ever?'

  As far as Oliver was concerned, the question came from left field, and as he turned around he knocked his head on the corner of the cupboard door. He frowned, rubbing the spot. Although he'd been working to bring about such a resolution, he hadn't discussed it with Kasey. Stephanie had told him he should but, quite frankly, he'd been procrastinating...not wanting to break the bond he'd formed with Kasey.

  He looked at her. 'Would you like that?'

  'Would I get to live with you all the time?'

  'Full time. One house, same bed every night.'

  Kasey's eyes widened. 'I wouldn't have to go to boarding school any more?'

  'Not if you didn't want to. There are some good boarding schools in Sydney and you cou
ld come home every weekend, but only if that's what you wanted.'

  Kasey looked away. 'I guess I could go.'

  'No. No,' Oliver implored and made her look at him. 'Kaz, I want you with me—all the time. I don't want you to go to boarding school, but some kids like being away from their parents. Your mother always told me you loved boarding school.'


  Dawning realisation hit Oliver between the eyes. 'Oh, Kaz.' He dragged her to him. 'I've been such a fool. I should have fought harder for you.' He went down on one knee and looked at her. 'Do you want to come and live here with me?'

  'And Steph? Yes. I want that more than anything.'

  'Well...' Oliver swallowed. 'You'll be able to see Steph. I know she wants to go shopping with you.'

  'Yeah. She told me.' Kasey walked over to the kitchen bench and leaned on it. 'Aren't you going to marry Steph?'

  'Kaz, it's not that simple.'

  'Why isn't it? Don't you love her?'

  Oliver slowly stood. He'd asked himself the same question over and over since Stephanie had said those words to him last week. Did he love her? He wasn't sure...wasn't sure he could trust his judgement where loving her was concerned. All the emotions he'd felt when his marriage to Nadele had fallen apart had reared their ugly heads again. He'd thought he was over it all, that he'd worked through the rejection years ago, but now, when it became evident he had to make a choice, he felt paralysed.

  'I don't know,' he finally answered his daughter. 'Things are a little complicated.'

  That, he thought, was the understatement of the year.

  On Thursday, Stephanie decided she'd had enough and after the weekend she'd take Stephen up on his offer of hospitality. Even though she knew Stephen needed the space right now, she couldn't help it. Being so close yet so far from Oliver was making her ill. She wasn't sleeping or eating properly, and she just needed to get away.

  Thankfully, she had the weekend off and thought a trip to Sydney would be just what she needed. She could catch up with a few friends from med school, have some retail therapy and perhaps get a new colour on her hair. She wasn't sure whether to go with something wild and dramatic—like purple or fuchsia-pink—or whether to just go red-orange like Kasey's. She must remember to discuss it with Kasey before she went.