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Page 18

Mick laughed. ‘You’ve got it bad, Rosie. Real bad.’

  Rose was conscious of the people around them watching her closely. ‘Uh…do you know where your brother is?’ she asked him quietly, hoping everyone wouldn’t hear.

  Mick frowned. ‘Dave? Not sure. Hey!’ He called at the top of his lungs. ‘Has anyone seen Dave? Rosie’s looking for him.’

  Rose could feel herself blushing but she watched as nearly everyone shook their heads, wide grins spreading across their faces.

  ‘Sorry. What did you want him for? Can I pass on a message?’

  Rose swallowed over the lump in her throat. ‘Um…er…no. I guess I’ll catch up with him later.’ Rose took her sunglasses off her head and was about to put them back on when Mick took her arm.

  ‘Don’t go. Stay and have a drink.’ He ushered her to a table and sat down opposite her.

  Rose eyed him carefully. ‘Why? Why do you want me to stay?’ When Mick didn’t answer, she nodded slowly. ‘You do know where he is, don’t you?’

  ‘And if I do?’

  ‘Then tell me.’

  Mick looked thoughtfully at her. ‘How about we arm-wrestle for it?’

  ‘Arm-wrestle? For what?’

  ‘For the information.’

  ‘What?’ She frowned at him, puzzled, but his words had stopped conversations around them and people were listening in unashamedly.

  ‘If you win, I’ll tell you where Dave is.’

  ‘And if you win?’ she queried, not sure she liked this idea at all.

  ‘Then you have to tell me whether or not you love my brother.’

  ‘What? That’s none of your business.’

  ‘That’s the deal, Rosie.’

  ‘But you’ll win easily. That’s not very fair.’

  He nodded. ‘You can use two hands.’


  ‘Go on, Rosie,’ one of the nurses encouraged her. ‘You can take him.’

  ‘Yeah, go on, Rosie.’ Cheers went up around the place and Mick put his elbow down on the table, his palm open, waiting for hers.

  Rose glanced over at the door, wondering how fast she could run. The cheering around them was starting to become louder and she even saw people passing money, placing bets.

  ‘Come on, Rosie. You can do it, girl,’ people chanted from the sidelines. ‘He’s a weakling. You can take him.’

  Mick looked far from a weakling but as she could see no way out, she put her arm on the table, mirroring Mick’s position. He clasped her hand in his and waited for the count.

  ‘Three, two, one—go!’ someone shouted, and Rose felt the instant pressure of Mick’s muscles. She brought her other hand up and started to push the other way. If she lost, she’d have to confess to all these people here that she loved Dave, but if she won, then she could speak to him in private. She wrestled as though her life depended on it.

  Putting all her weight behind it, Rose pushed harder and almost had Mick’s hand to the table when a movement in her peripheral vision caused her to look away.

  Dave! He was standing there. Watching them. Scowling at her. Melody was by his side, holding onto his hand. Even with the scowl, the sight of him warmed her heart and made her mind go blank. She felt her heart rate increase and started to feel a little light-headed.

  ‘Yeah!’ Mick crowed, as he managed to bend her arms backwards. Everyone clapped and cheered and Rose returned her attention to what had just happened. ‘All right, Rosie. Pay up.’

  Before she could utter a word, Dave let go of Melody’s hand, stormed over and wrenched his brother out of the chair. ‘What are you doing?’ he demanded roughly. ‘Are you out of your mind? You could have hurt her.’

  Mick grinned stupidly at his brother and Rose realised Mick wasn’t at all bothered by Dave’s protective behaviour. ‘It’s all in your honour, bro’.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Dave held firmly onto the collar of his brother’s shirt.

  ‘Tell him, Rosie. Time to pay up.’

  Rose stood, swallowing the enormous lump that was lodged in her throat. Everyone around them went quiet.

  She stared at Dave, meeting his gaze, knowing this was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

  Taking a deep breath, she said clearly, ‘I love you.’

  Dave’s gaze remained on hers as he dropped his brother’s shirt. No one moved or spoke, all eyes now anxiously on Dave to see how he would react. He didn’t have to say anything, not as far as Rose was concerned.

  She knew that by coming here and confessing her love for him, it was sealing their future in the sweetest way possible. He’d already said that he loved her and wanted to marry her, and she was certain, by the desire that flared in the blue depths of his eyes, that he still felt that way.

  Both of them stood, frozen, content just to look at each other, their hearts communicating in a language as old as time.

  Dave couldn’t believe it. Rosie loved him. He’d been certain of it but to actually hear her say the words was…incredible. Like a dream come true.

  He felt a little hand slip inside his and he glanced down at his daughter. Melody nodded at him then reached out and slipped her other hand through Rosie’s—uniting the three of them together.

  ‘Perfect,’ Dave said softly. ‘Just perfect.’


  ‘COME on,’ Dave called, as he hoisted Melody up into his arms. ‘All unmarried men and women in the centre of the room.’

  Rose smiled brightly at her new husband as he held out his free hand for her. She kissed the father of the bride on the cheek before heading over to Dave’s side, her cream-coloured wedding gown shimmering and sparkling as she walked.

  Melody’s dress was made from the same material, except for a red sash around her waist which matched the colour of Beverley’s matron-of-honour dress.

  ‘Unmarried men on that side.’ Dave sectioned the room off. ‘Unmarried women on the other.’

  Everyone was laughing and joking as people shuffled into their places. Rose was having such a wonderful day, especially as all her dreams had come true. She smiled at her new stepdaughter, now content in the knowledge that she and Melody had taken the time during the last six months to really get to know each other. She never would have thought a six-year-old girl would be one of her best friends.

  ‘All right, princess,’ Dave said softly to Melody. ‘Throw the garter first.’

  ‘Do you think she’ll get him?’ Rose asked quietly.

  ‘She should do. We’ve been practising her throwing skills for the past month or so,’ Dave mumbled. ‘Can you see Uncle Mick, Mel?’


  ‘Then let’s count to three.’ Dave cleared his throat. ‘Ready?’ he called. ‘One, two, three!’ Melody took aim over her father’s shoulder and threw the garter.

  ‘Yes!’ She punched the air with her fist. ‘It got him, Dad.’

  Dave and Rose turned to look. They both laughed as Mick twirled the garter around his index finger and everyone clapped.

  ‘Ready for the next one, Mel?’ Rose asked.

  ‘Sure. This is fun.’

  ‘All right, ladies,’ Rose called. ‘One, two, three!’ Melody threw the bouquet over Rose’s shoulder, making sure it landed firmly in Mick’s girlfriend’s arms.

  ‘Woo-hoo!’ she called. ‘I did it.’

  Dave and Rose turned to look again as Mick stared at his girlfriend. Everyone was laughing and cheering.

  ‘Excellent throwing, Mel.’ Dave kissed his daughter.

  ‘Couldn’t have done it better myself. I’m proud of you, too.’ Rose kissed Melody’s other cheek. The girl between them giggled happily.

  They all looked at Mick who was still staring at his girlfriend, his jaw hanging open in disbelief.

  ‘Ah, face facts, bro’,’ Dave called. ‘The garter and flower toss never lie. Rose and I are proof of it.’

  Rose leaned over and kissed her new husband on the lips. ‘Absolutely, my love. Absolutely.’

p; ISBN: 978-1-4603-5728-6


  First North American Publication 2003

  Copyright © 2002 by Lucy Clark

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