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Surgeon Boss, Bachelor Dad Page 11

  Calvin hadn’t wanted her. Loughlin didn’t want her either. The interesting fact was that she couldn’t care less about Calvin and what he thought any more. Loughlin, however, was a completely different story. He was intelligent, fun to be around and a brilliant surgeon. She’d enjoyed the time they’d spent together and now, as crazy as it sounded, she was missing it.

  Two days later, Megan heard her name being called as she came out of a shop. Turning, she saw Loughlin on the other side of the street, waving brightly at her. He was standing with some other people so, in order to be polite, she waved back.

  They all crossed the road, heading in her direction, and where she’d been about to turn and walk in the other direction, it appeared he was intent on introducing her. There was Loughlin, another man and woman and a tall young girl she presumed was Heather. She had long blonde hair pulled back in a plait and the prettiest brown eyes, wide and expressive, like her father’s.

  ‘Is this Megsy, Da’?’ Heather’s accent wasn’t as strong as her father’s but still stood out in seaside Australia.


  With that, Heather stepped forward and wrapped her arms around a very surprised Megan. The embrace caught her completely off guard. ‘Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You are the bestest friend my da’ could have had and did I say thank you?’

  Megan patted the girl on the back, taken aback at the natural affection being given from someone she’d only just met. She looked at Loughlin in total confusion, her animosity melting away. ‘What did I do?’

  ‘The bed!’ Father and daughter spoke in unison, although Heather’s words were far more exuberant than Loughlin’s.

  ‘I love that bed. Thank you for insisting my da’ buy it. It’s the bomb!’

  ‘Well…if it’s the…bomb…’ Megan got her tongue around the word, hoping she’d heard correctly. Teenage slang seemed to change every year and if you weren’t a teenager, then you were seriously out of date. ‘You’re very welcome.’

  ‘Let her go now,’ Loughlin insisted, prising his daughter off Megan before giving her a ‘what’s a dad supposed to do?’ type of shrug. Secretly, he was pleased at the way his daughter had catapulted her way directly through Megan’s usual reserved exterior. Kids could do that. For adults, it was a lot harder. He’d had such difficulty these past few weeks, keeping his distance and making sure she accepted his apology. Hopefully, with Heather around, Megan might relax a little more around him.

  He glanced surreptitiously at her, not having seen her for the past few days, and he couldn’t get over how wonderful she looked.

  Her blonde hair, which she usually kept clipped back for work, was now loose and framing her face, giving it a golden glow. She was dressed more casually than she usually was for work in a pair of comfortable jeans, a burgundy top and denim jacket.

  Loughlin hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. Ever since that night…that night when he’d kissed her. He closed his eyes for a split second and the memory flooded over him. Her lips had been the sweetest, the most luscious he’d ever felt. The way she’d quivered slightly in his arms, the way her shyness had made way for passion. Oh, yes, kissing Megan Iris was something he wanted to do again—very much—and it was for that reason alone he’d forced himself to stay away from her.

  He opened his eyes, pleased he could stand this close to her without having her back away. The pain and anguish he’d witnessed in her eyes that night had torn at his heart but he’d had to remain strong. He hadn’t meant to hurt her but he had been so astounded at his own reaction that he’d handled the entire situation with all the grace and sympathy of an arrogant adolescent. He’d always been so guarded when it came to women, ensuring none of them got too close, that he remained in control and that Heather never got hurt.

  Megan had blown all of that sky high because not only had he discovered that he liked hanging out with her, chatting, discussing and generally just having fun, but he’d discovered he liked kissing her. Far too much. And he wanted more.

  Even now, two weeks later, as he listened to her introduce herself to his daughter, saw Heather’s wide smile of happiness, Loughlin wanted more. More intelligent conversation. More fun and definitely more kissing.

  Yet he knew it was wrong and would only lead to a worse situation than he was in at present.

  ‘Hello. I’m Georgie.’ The woman beside Loughlin introduced herself and it was then that Loughlin realised he was still staring at Megan. He hoped his sister hadn’t realised or she’d no doubt tease him mercilessly later.

  ‘Sorry.’ He snapped out of it. ‘Bad manners and all that. Uh…Megsy, this is my sister Georgie and her husband Mike.’

  Megan shook hands with them. ‘It’s great that you could come to Australia. Loughlin said you’re staying for a few weeks, seeing some sights?’

  ‘Aye.’ Georgie nodded enthusiastically.

  They chatted for a few minutes, Loughlin watching the way Megan interacted beautifully with his family. She was polite, friendly and was making conversation quite easily, asking Georgie about her children who, she was told, were busy studying for their university finals.

  ‘Well, I’d better not keep you any longer. No doubt Loughlin wants to keep showing you around.’ Megan took a small step to the side in an effort to indicate she was ready to move on. She’d been highly conscious of Loughlin watching her closely. His gaze had warmed her, causing her heart rate to increase along with her awareness of him. Thankful that she’d worked hard at controlling her natural reaction to his nearness—especially when they ended up side by side in an operating theatre, as had happened a few times—she hoped no one had noticed the slight tinge of pink which she’d felt colouring her cheeks.

  ‘Och, goodness, hen. Doan’t bother yerself about that. We’re not in any rush,’ Georgie offered, giving her brother a bit of a nudge. ‘Right, Lochie?’

  ‘Hmm?’ Loughlin pulled his attention from looking at Megan and focused hard on what his sister was saying, unable to believe he’d been caught staring yet again. ‘Aye. Right. What?’

  ‘We’re about to go and get something to eat,’ Georgie continued. ‘Why doan’t you come with us, Megsy? Lochie wants us to eat a real Australian meat pie with tomato sauce instead of gravy! Have you ever heard such a daft thing?’

  Megan glanced at Loughlin, wondering what he thought about his sister’s invitation. ‘I’d love to but I’m actually due to meet my brother down at the blow hole.’

  ‘Really?’ Loughlin’s eyebrows hit his hairline. ‘I didn’t know your brother was in town.’

  ‘You’ve been sort of busy the last few days and Jasper only called last night to say they were able to drive down,’ she felt compelled to explain.

  ‘Ah. Is this the new car?’

  ‘It is. Needless to say, I’m quite excited.’

  ‘Och, right.’ Georgie nodded. ‘Lochie told me how you two met. Quite a story.’ She raised her eyebrows suggestively, her eyes as expressive as her brother’s.

  ‘Yes, well.’ Megan tried not to feel flustered and decided the easiest thing to do was to make her escape. ‘Anyway, it was lovely to meet you all and I hope you have a great holiday in Australia.’ She smiled warmly at Georgie and Mike, all the time stepping around them, eager to have some distance between herself and Loughlin given that his nearness was having a devastating effect on her equilibrium.

  It was insanely stupid that being so close to Loughlin made her heart pound wildly, her palms perspire and her knees go weak. That his scent brought back feverish memories of being pressed up against him, held firmly in his arms whilst his mouth plundered her own was enough of a reason to get moving as any.

  ‘Is your brother from Sydney?’ It appeared Georgie wasn’t having a bar of allowing her to leave them and Megan idly wondered whether Loughlin had said something to his sister about what had gone on between them. Surely he hadn’t mentioned the kiss? Oh, if he had, she’d die of embarrassment right here, right now. Then again, perhaps Georgie w
as picking up on the electrifying tension that seemed to exist between Megan and Loughlin…the tension that appeared to intensify every time they were close to each other.

  ‘Ah…yes. Yes, he is,’ she answered.

  ‘We’re heading there tomorrow so I’d love to chat with them about what to do and what to see first.’ Georgie linked her arm through Megan’s and pointed down the street. ‘I presume you’re heading this-a-way as I can see and smell the sea. The Pacific Ocean. How exciting.’

  And soon Megan was introducing Loughlin and his clan to her own, with her four-year-old twin nieces, Lilly and Lola, instantly commandeering Heather’s attention.

  ‘They love older children,’ Jennifer, Jasper’s wife, told Georgie. Megan didn’t miss the interested glances her brother was giving Loughlin. It was as though he was giving him the once-over, making sure this Scotsman was good enough for his sister. Whilst Megan hadn’t said much to Jasper on the phone about Lochie, they were close enough that Jasper could read his sister like a book. So she stood there, in a state of repressed agitation, unsure what to do next whilst the two families seemed to hit it off without a care in the world.

  ‘Care to go for a walk out to the blow hole?’ Loughlin’s voice was quiet beside her and Megan jumped, twirling around, surprised to find him behind her. Goose-bumps spread over her skin as his breath fanned her neck and a wave of excitement rushed through her. ‘Or as close as the safety barriers will allow us,’ he finished, giving her a wink.

  ‘Uh…’ Megan looked at his lips, finding them curved into a smile, before meeting his eyes. For a split second the atmosphere between them became incredibly intense. They were close to each other, their scents mingling with the sea breeze, their gazes locked, the tension in them both coiling to the point of no return.

  His smile slowly began to disappear at the way she was looking at him. How was a man supposed to stay sane, to think clearly, when the woman he desired looked at him like she was now? It was impossible.

  ‘Blow hole.’ The words came out of her lips and for a moment Loughlin had no idea what she was on about.

  ‘Hmm?’ Then the fog began to clear as she eased back slightly, giving them both a bit of much-needed breathing space. ‘Yes. That’s right. Of course. The blow hole.’ He shook his head as though to clear it, before taking a few steps towards the path that led to the phenomenal rock formation. ‘We can start our truce on the way.’

  ‘Our truce?’

  ‘Yes. Didn’t I mention I thought it might be a good idea to call a truce?’

  ‘No. Actually, you didn’t.’

  ‘Och. How stupid of me. Some days I’m a right twit.’

  ‘No argument from me,’ she murmured, and was surprised when he burst out laughing, the sound causing her body to heat with warmth and flood with tingles.

  ‘Oh, Megsy. I’ve missed ya.’

  She wasn’t at all sure what to say to that so instead decided to change the subject. ‘How’s Heather settling in? No jet-lag or anything?’

  ‘She’s fine is my girl. Fits in perfectly with the town.’ He shook his head. ‘She’s only been here two days and loves it already. Although I have to say I cannae blame her. It’s a great place.’

  ‘It is at that.’ They continued along the path and Megan frowned as she looked out towards the blow hole. ‘Are those kids out there?’ The atmosphere she’d been trying to cope with due to Loughlin’s close proximity turned instantly into concern as she pointed.

  He looked in that direction and then frowned. ‘Aye.’

  ‘They’ve jumped the barrier!’

  ‘Eejits.’ They quickened their pace as they headed further towards the blow hole. ‘Hey!’ Loughlin called, and gestured to them. ‘Get back.’

  ‘It’s no good, they can’t hear you. The water crashing against the rocks is too loud.’ Megan snapped open her phone and pressed the pre-set number for the police department. ‘Gav. It’s Megan. I’ve got teenagers out at the blow hole. They’ve jumped the fence.’ She watched them as she spoke to the police officer.

  ‘I think they have cameras,’ Loughlin remarked as he peered more closely at them, still calling and gesturing for them to come in. By now other visitors to the area had started to notice the commotion and were all heading their way, coming for a look at the three people who were stupid enough to go against all the warning signs on the safety fence and put their lives at risk.

  ‘They’re obviously larking about but you and I both know how slippery those rocks are.’ As Megan continued to speak, the blow hole erupted, sending its powerful salty spray showering into the air. ‘Conditions are at least low,’ she added as she finished her call to the police officer.

  ‘Is he coming?’ Loughlin asked.

  ‘Yes. I’ve ordered an ambulance as well, just in case. Gav will contact the hospital to let them know to either expect casualties or else a person being brought in for blood-alcohol levels.’

  ‘You think they’re drunk?’

  ‘Why else would they ignore all of the warning signs and—?’

  An almighty, blood-curdling scream filled the air causing Megan and Loughlin to grip the edge of the safety barrier and watch in disbelief as one of the young men lost his footing and slipped. He grabbed at the air, struggling to remain upright, a look of absolute terror on his face as all his attempts resulted in nothing. He continued to fall at such an odd angle that Megan thought she saw him hit his head before he disappeared from view altogether. The camera he’d previously held so firmly now hurtled through the air, coming down to smash on the jagged rocks not too far from the blow hole.

  The other two lads with him started to yell, to call his name, fear etched on their faces as they looked up at the spectators and started to call for help. Megan was glad that help was already on its way.

  Jasper came running towards her. ‘Megsy?’ he called, concern plastered all over his face.

  ‘I’m here.’ She called and was soon enveloped in a large hug. ‘I’m fine. Jasp, have you got a medical kit and some rope in your car?’

  He nodded. ‘I’ll go get them.’

  When Megan turned back to Loughlin to discuss what they should do next she was horrified to find he’d already climbed over the barrier—which came to just below her own shoulders—and was picking his way slowly and carefully across the rocks.

  ‘What are you doing?’ she yelled at him, her heart pounding wildly. ‘Lochie. Wait.’

  ‘It’s fine. I just need to take a look.’

  ‘Wait for the rope. Jasper’s got some. He’s getting it from his car. Please, Lochie,’ she implored.

  ‘I’m not going far, Megsy.’ He smiled at her. ‘I’ll be back before you know it.’

  She watched, her heart pounding wildly in her ears as he expertly picked his way over the rocks, telling the other boys to move back and stay where they were until further help arrived. Georgie came rushing over and stared out at her brother. Heather wasn’t far behind.

  ‘Da’? What are you doing?’ she called to him, but he was out of hearing range.

  ‘He’ll be all right,’ Megan said, hoping amongst hope that she was right.

  ‘Och. I know that. He rock climbs all the time in Scotland. They’re bigger and scarier looking than this.’ Heather waved Megan’s concern away.

  ‘And colder and wetter,’ Georgie added.

  ‘Good at abseiling, too, is my da’.’ Heather spoke with pride.

  ‘She’s right. Lochie’s a natural when it comes to nature.’ Georgie smiled at her own words but when Megan looked at her, she saw a hint of concern in the woman’s eyes. ‘Has someone called for an ambulance or reinforcements of some kind?’

  ‘It’s been done.’ Megan tore her gaze from Loughlin for a split second to see Jasper running towards her, medical kit in hand, a sturdy length of rope slung over his body. When she looked back at Loughlin, it was to find him making his way back to them, his steps quite sure and firm.

  ‘He’s slipped all the way into the hole. H
e’s on the first shelf, though, which is better than being further down or we’d have had no hope. He’s alert but rather dazed.’

  ‘He’s not unconscious?’ Megan shook her head in disbelief. ‘I thought I saw him hit his head on the way down.’

  ‘He answered my calls.’ Loughlin held out his hand for the rope as the sound of sirens filled the air. ‘Ah…nice prompt service. Jinky. One of the advantages of living in a small town is that the emergency crews get here faster.’ Whilst he spoke, he expertly tied the rope in a knot any sailor would have been proud of and attached one end to the railing before wrapping the other end around his waist.

  Megan watched as though in slow motion as his firm, strong hands tied those knots, unsure why she was so concerned, so worried for his safety. She herself had been over the barrier before, albeit she’d been in a complete abseiling harness, performing a rescue very similar to the one they faced now, although that time the person they’d rescued hadn’t answered their calls. She knew time was of the essence and when Loughlin had finished securing the rope to himself, she was surprised to find he didn’t venture out again.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Waiting. I told you before, Megan Iris, that I was only taking a wee peek. I needed to figure out what had to happen next. If our friend Gav is almost here, he’ll have the equipment we need. Right?’

  ‘Right,’ she replied, and found her heartbeat steadying to a more normal rhythm. Loughlin was going to wait. He wasn’t going to put himself in danger, risk his own life to save someone else. He wasn’t going to be a hero, and she was so relieved. She knew it was wrong to compare him to Calvin but she couldn’t help it. Loughlin didn’t have any of the arrogance and self-importance of her ex-fiancé.

  When Gav arrived about five minutes later, he and Loughlin set about discussing the logistics of the situation. It was clear to everyone around just who was in charge of this rescue—the town’s favourite Scotsman. He was amazing, going over in minute detail what they should do to proceed safely with the rescue.