Surgeon Boss, Bachelor Dad Page 12
She watched his mouth move, loving the lines and contours of them, remembering how those lips had felt pressed against her own, how they’d made her feel. She watched his eyes, so earnest, so deep in concentration, remembering how he’d looked at her as though she were the most beautiful woman to have walked the face of the earth. She watched his strong hands as he gestured and pointed, remembering how he’d brushed them across her cheek.
Her heart rate had increased again and she acknowledged that this time it had nothing to do with the rescue. It had nothing at all to do with anything surrounding them and everything to do with the fact that she cared deeply about him.
She had no idea how it had happened but the thought of him putting himself in danger had been enough to make her true feelings for him surge to the front. She’d promised herself when she’d moved here that she would never lie to herself again, that she’d never settle for second best. Loughlin was definitely not second best and admitting that she was one hundred per cent on the way to falling in love with him was definitely not lying to herself.
She blinked, shutting her eyes for a second, knowing she should focus on what was being discussed, but she couldn’t. All that kept floating through her mind was that she was getting too close to him. Where she’d vowed never to make herself vulnerable to another man again, where she’d promised herself to always remain in control, where she’d never thought it possible for her heart to mend—it was irrelevant.
She was getting in deep with Loughlin McCloud and there didn’t appear to be anything she could do about it—even if she wanted to!
SOON, Loughlin was harnessed up and ready to go. Gav was going out with him. The area had been roped off with yellow police tape but that didn’t stop visitors, tourists and locals from watching at a distance.
Heather had gone with her aunt and uncle to a nearby park. Jennifer had also gone with the girls even though Megan had told her sister-in-law that her orthopaedic services might be required back at the hospital later on.
Jasper was monitoring the two other lads who had seen their friend fall, concerned for the trauma they might be experiencing. Megan was fitting herself into a harness, knowing she would be needed.
‘It’s all right,’ Loughlin had protested. ‘I think Gav and I can handle it. No need to make a palaver out of it.’
‘I’ll palaver you into the middle of next week, Dr McCloud,’ Megan warned him. Loughlin watched the way her fingers expertly attached the abseiling ropes and realised that she’d done this before.
‘I just don’t think it’s worth putting you in danger.’
‘According to you, every thing is going to be fine.’
‘It is. So there’s no ne—’
Megan reached up and put her fingers across his mouth. ‘Shut it, Lochie.’
He stared at her for a moment, seeing the determination in her eyes flicker with a hint of desire as she realised just how near they were to each other. He also saw concern and realised she was as worried about his safety as he was about hers.
‘OK.’ He waited for Megan to secure a rescue kit to her chest, identical to the one strapped to his own, before they pulled on protective goggles and abseiling gloves and carefully made their way over to the blow hole.
‘At least the swell is low…for the moment,’ she commented. It had seemed like an age since the accident had first happened when in reality it had only been about fifteen minutes or so. Safety precautions, however, were paramount because they wouldn’t do anyone any good if any of the rescuers were to slip and fall due to being too hasty.
When they were as close as they could be to the entrance of the blow hole, the water came up and sprayed them, wetting them through, both Loughlin and Megan gasping as the cold water seeped through their clothes against their skin. Gav was lying down on his stomach at the mouth of the hole, shining a searchlight down onto the teenager, keeping him as calm as possible.
‘What took you both so long?’ the policeman asked, grinning at the two doctors.
‘Traffic,’ Loughlin answered, deadpan. His answer made Megan smile, made her body relax just that little bit more so the tension wasn’t as strong as it had been before.
Megan and Loughlin lay down on their stomachs alongside Gav, peering down into the hole, the rush of water quite loud beneath them. ‘Bloke’s name is Barry. He’s nineteen, almost twenty. It’s pretty hard to hear and you can only talk at certain times.’ Gav stopped speaking and averted his head in anticipation of the water that was about to shoot up at them. Loughlin and Megan did the same.
When it had passed, Loughlin looked into the hole. ‘Barry? I’m Lochie. We’ll have you out in a jiffy.’ With the powerful searchlight they could see that Barry had somehow managed to get himself to a small ledge close to the bottom of the hole and was hanging on for dear life. It was clear there was no way he would be able to tie a rope around his own waist. He was becoming exhausted far too quickly with the effort of simply hanging on for his life.
‘OK,’ he yelled back.
‘I’ll go down,’ Loughlin said. ‘If we can secure the rope around him, we can pull him out.’
Gav nodded. ‘Best way. Straightforward.’
Megan looked down into the hole again and shook her head. ‘You can’t do it. It’s—’ Before she could say another word, they all ducked their heads, ready for the next lot of spray to shower into the air above them.
‘You can’t go down. I won’t let you.’ Loughlin’s words were strong, his accent rich and deep. Through her safety goggles, Megan could see a hint of veiled panic in his eyes. Did that mean he cared? More than he’d previously let on? She brushed the thought aside but was determined to take it out later and examine it more closely. For now, she needed to concentrate.
‘It’s not a matter of letting me, Lochie.’ She pointed down the hole. ‘You won’t fit. As slim and as tall as you are, you’re not the right shape to fit through that hole.’
‘She’s right, mate,’ Gav chipped in. ‘Besides, Megan’s already been down before. She knows what to expect.’
They started getting her ready, ensuring she was completely secure. Helmet with light, strong gloves and extra safety goggles for Barry. When she was ready, Loughlin looked into her eyes and gave her a crooked smile.
‘Take it easy, Megsy,’ he said, before winking. Her heart filled with warmth at the gesture and with renewed determination that this rescue was going to go exactly as they’d planned she swung herself around with her legs dangling down into the hole, her abseiling rope falling down into the abyss. She braced herself, waiting for the next blast from the blow hole, knowing she needed to descend at a rapid rate in order to get to Barry.
As soon as it had passed by her, before the spray from above had come to settle down on them, she shifted her hand, feeding the rope through as she headed into the darkness. Even though she had her helmet light and Gav had a searchlight above, it was dark, damp and downright freaky being in this hole which had been carved out through generations of erosion.
‘Barry?’ she called as she neared where he was.
Megan moved her head to the left and spotted him—the light from her helmet shining into his scared face as he clung to the rock face for dear life.
‘Barry. I’m Megan.’ She locked off her rope so she was all but sitting in mid-air. She could hear the rush of the water building below them. ‘As soon as the next one goes up, we need to move fast. They’ll send down a rope and I’ll need your help to secure it around you.’
‘It’s coming. It’s coming.’ Barry closed his eyes, clenched his hands tightly as he did his best to flatten himself to the rock face. Megan could hear the hysteria in his voice and knew she needed to go slowly and carefully if she was going to get them both out in one piece. However, right now Barry was correct and she manoeuvred herself to the opposite side of the rock face and found firm handholds, flattening herself as best she could.
roar of the water started to build and then with a powerful force it rushed up past them, drenching them once more. The instant it passed she pulled a pair of spare safety goggles from the pack strapped to her chest and swung over so she was next to Barry. ‘Let’s get these on you first.’ It was hard work with her thick wet gloves and the fact that Barry wasn’t letting go of his handholds for anything. By the time she had them in place, there was only enough time for her to return to her former position and wait for the next blast to be delivered. She was, however, grateful that the tide was low because this would have been nigh impossible later in the day.
‘Send the rope,’ she called as loudly as she could, and in the next instant Loughlin lowered the rope for Barry. Megan was able to find a safe spot next to Barry, although it wasn’t as sheltered as the previous one, and the instant the water blasted past them she immediately looped the rope around Barry’s waist. ‘Let me get it past,’ she said, her tone brooking no argument. The young man was scared, tired and bordering on hysteria. He’d flattened himself so tightly against the rock face that she couldn’t get the rope all the way round his body. The water was building up once more below them.
‘Barry, let me get it round you,’ she ordered. ‘Once it’s round you, we can start pulling you out.’
‘No. No. I’m going to fall.’
‘You are not going to fall.’ The water was coming. ‘Let me get the rope round you.’ Her tone was still firm and direct. ‘Now!’ As she barked the order, he arched his stomach so she could slip the rope round. Holding both ends, she resumed her secure position, almost letting go of the rope as the blasts seemed to be getting stronger.
Megan hoped that wasn’t the case and merely the fact that she herself was starting to become slightly fatigued, but she knew she had enough reserves to get her through. They were so close to success she wasn’t about to let it all slip away now. Besides, she had Loughlin waiting for her up at the surface. She could hear him calling down words of encouragement and his lilting tones gave her strength. He was waiting for her.
When she could, she secured the rope tightly, fitting it beneath Barry’s armpits. ‘After the next one, I need you to let go of the wall so you can be pulled up.’
‘No. No. I’m going to fall. I know it. I’m going to die.’
‘You are not going to die. Do you hear me? Not going to happen. We’ve come this far, Barry. You can do this.’
‘I’m hurt.’
‘I know. I can see your legs are hurt. I can see the bruises and scratches and the sooner you’re out, the sooner we can do something about it. I need you to trust me. I need you to trust those men up top who are waiting to pull you out as soon as I give the signal.’
Barry thought about her words, pondering them whilst the water built beneath them. ‘What’s the signal?’ he finally asked.
Megan smiled as she prepared herself for the next onslaught. The panic had started to subside—just a little—from Barry’s voice. She’d successfully managed to get through to him. ‘I yell, “Ready.”’
‘That’s it?’
‘Yep. Simple and straightforward. Works every time. Trust me.’ Megan held onto the rock face, as did Barry. ‘Right. We need to work fast. You need to practise letting go, Barry. Trust the rope. It will take your weight.’ She looked up and saw Loughlin leaning over so much that his upper torso was dangling into the hole. ‘Almost ready. After the next one, pull.’
‘Aye, aye, Captain Megsy,’ he called back, his words echoing around them. Megan couldn’t help but grin.
‘See?’ she said to Barry. ‘We’ll be as safe as houses.’
‘What? What does that mean?’
‘Well…it means we’ll be super-safe. Quite frankly, I didn’t want to say that we’d be as right as rain.’
Barry smiled at her and she knew in that instant that everything was going to be just fine. The pressure had been lifted, the tension was returning to a more normal level and Barry was starting to believe he would get out of this hole.
When they were ready, she gave the signal and watched as Barry was hauled out quite quickly. He grunted and groaned a little on the way up as he swung around a bit, but just as the next blast started to make its way up the hole, she saw Loughlin grab his hand. She flattened herself against the rock face, hopefully for the last time, and when she looked up again, it was to see only sunlight. Barry had made it.
She had to wait for three more blasts to pass before Loughlin’s words echoed down to her. ‘Ready to get you out of there, Megsy. OK?’
‘Aye, aye, Captain Lochie,’ she called back, exhaustion beginning to creep into her tone. His laughter floated down to her and that glorious sound gave her strength to hang on for just that little bit longer.
When at last she was within reach of the top, Loughlin’s strong arms reached down and took her hands, pulling her higher. The blow hole was about to perform its magic again and he quickly hauled her against him. In the next instant she was lying flat along the length of his body as the spray washed over them.
She sagged against him in utter relief, not caring about anyone or anything else except for Loughlin’s strong arms around her, holding her securely to him as though he was never going to let her go. She didn’t care who was watching. She didn’t care if she stayed where she was for the next hour. All energy seemed to have drained from her the instant he’d pulled her into his arms. She was safe. She was with Loughlin. He would protect her.
‘Trauchled?’ His voice was a deep rumble beneath her ear which was pressed on his chest. When she didn’t answer, Loughlin smiled, loving the feel of her this close. ‘Sorry. Forgot to switch on my universal translator. Are you totally exhausted or can you move? Not that I’m trying to rush you or anything. I’m quite fine.’ And he was.
He was enjoying holding her in his arms and was overcome with the sensation that he never wanted to let her go. It seemed like an age since he’d held her, since he’d kissed her, and although he knew putting distance between them was the right thing to do, he couldn’t deny how good it felt to have an excuse to have her this near.
Megan tried to speak. It didn’t work. She tried to nod her head. That didn’t work either. The adrenaline surge she’d had down the blow hole, concentrating on getting Barry out whilst gripping to that rock face, had totally disappeared and in its place was complete lethargy and fatigue.
‘Mmm,’ she finally managed, and her reward for even attempting to answer his question was one of Loughlin’s throaty laughs, which set her body tingling in a floating, relaxed way. Quite a few more bursts of spray washed over them before Loughlin told her it was time to move.
‘You’re soaked, love. We need to get you dry.’ With that, he somehow shifted her and before she knew it she was being carefully led over the uneven rocky surface, Loughlin’s arms still firmly around her, supporting her, keeping her close.
‘Barry?’ she managed to ask once she was over the barrier and could collapse in a heap. The wetness of her soaked clothes was now starting to affect her, her teeth beginning to chatter. Someone put a blanket around her shoulders and she pulled it tighter, only then realising that her gloves had been removed. She couldn’t remember that happening.
‘He’s fine,’ Gav told her. ‘Your brother’s looking after him.’
Megan relaxed, knowing Barry was in good hands. ‘Lochie?’ She opened her tired eyes and looked around for him. She couldn’t see him anywhere and she tried to sit up straight, squinting to try and find him. He didn’t appear to be in the immediate vicinity and she suddenly felt panic begin to rise within her. ‘Lochie? Where is he?’ Had he slipped? Had he fallen? The last thing she remembered was his arms firmly around her and she wanted them around her now. No. She needed them around her now, needed the comfort and strength she drew from him. ‘Lochie?’ Megan raised her voice, the urgency now evident.
‘I’m here. I’m here.’ From nowhere, he appeared by her side. ‘Everything’s jinky. Everything’s all right, Megsy. Rest now, d
‘Hold me?’
Her request was a whimper and Loughlin couldn’t believe she was letting him see her this vulnerable, showing him this softer side of her and allowing him to comfort and soothe her. Gone was the woman he’d thought was as prickly as an echidna and in her place was a woman who needed him. He gathered her close without another word.
‘Don’t leave me,’ she murmured, her eyes closed, the panic gone from her voice, her body relaxed against his.
‘Nay.’ Loughlin held her, rubbing her arms, warming her up until it was time for her to go to the hospital. He checked in with his sister to make sure Heather was all right.
‘Stay with Megsy as long as you need to,’ Georgie told him. ‘We can get back to your place without a bother so don’t you go fretting.’
He was pleased he could be there to support Megan and by the time she’d changed into some dry clothes and sipped a warm cup of sugary tea, she was feeling much better.
‘You don’t have to stick around, Loughlin,’ she told him after he’d made sure she’d drunk the entire cup full of the sweetened tea he’d prepared. ‘Go. Be with your family. Jasper can take me home.’ They were in her office, somewhere where she felt comfortable, somewhere where she hoped to gather a semblance of control. She was sitting behind her desk and he was leaning against the edge, too close for her comfort.
Loughlin ignored her words. ‘Quite a doctor is your brother. Highly impressive.’
Megan’s smile was immediate. ‘We’re all very proud of Jasper.’
‘I watched him work when I went to check on Barry’s progress and he’s got all the staff organised as well as the patient ready for transfer to Sydney. Has he worked here before?’
‘Not worked exactly but he’s been here enough times that the staff know him and, of course, a few of them have worked with him in Sydney so it’s like he’s amongst old friends.’