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Coming Home to Katoomba Page 15

  Stephanie's jaw dropped open in shock. Of all the things she'd expected Oliver to say, that hadn't been one of them. 'I thought you called me here because you wanted to discuss work,' she said after a moment, before standing. 'Is that it?'

  'What do you mean, "Is that it?" I wanted to share my good news with you.'

  'Great. Thanks. Hope you'll be happy.' She headed for the door but Oliver was out of his chair and around the desk like a shot.

  'Stephanie?' He placed his hands on her shoulders, searching her expression for some clue to explain her behaviour. He thought she'd be pleased, that she'd be interested in his life. After all, she'd professed to love him. 'What's going on?'

  'Nothing.' She stepped back and he dropped his hands.

  'Don't lie to me. I can tell there's something wrong. Someone meeting you for the first time could see there was something wrong.'

  'I just can't do this any more.'

  'What? What can't you do?'

  Stephanie shook her head, desperate to keep the threatening tears under control. 'Feel as though I'm some sort of consolation prize.'

  'Who makes you feel like that?'

  Stephanie stared at him, totally amazed. Tow do. You ask me to help you at work—so I help you. You ask me to help you with your daughter—so I do. I'm not begrudging that, honestly, I'm not. I like helping people. It's why I became a doctor, but this...' She waved her hand between the two of them. 'I just can't do it any more.'

  Oliver was completely taken aback.

  'Everyone at work has accepted the changes and things are running smoothly. You've been able to open up to Kaz and the two of you are going to be fine. And you've bought a house and so you no longer need the place you're staying in. That's great. It's wonderful. For you. But what about me, Oliver? What were your plans for me? A little interlude while you got yourself settled here? A bit of fun?' Her voice choked on the word and the tears fell from her eyelashes. She brushed them away impatiently.

  'But it all backfired, didn't it?' Her tone was filled with scorn and distaste—both emotions aimed at herself rather than Oliver. 'You hadn't planned on me falling in love with you. Ever since I told you, you've been reserved and distant and you've made it quite clear that you wanted out of the house.' She hiccuped, cross with herself for getting so emotional, but she couldn't help it. A woman should be allowed to cry when her heart was being broken.

  'I've been a prize fool, haven't I? How ridiculous was it that I fell in love with a man who never wanted the love of any woman again? I guess that's just my annoying inexperience rearing its ugly head.' She pulled a tissue from her pocket and blew her nose. 'Well, I'm sorry, Oliver. I'm sorry I'm not excited about your new house. I'm sorry I'm not going to fall at your feet, doing your bidding any more, and I'm sorry I ever thought myself in love with you.'


  Oliver let her go.

  He stood there, totally stunned at her words and the pain he could not only see in her face but hear in her voice. Exactly how long he stood there he wasn't sure, staring at the closed door to his office as though it would hopefully bring her back.

  It didn't.

  'She needs time,' he mumbled as he finally sat back down in his chair. He picked up a piece of paper but threw it back on the desk a second later, shaking his head and rubbing his hand over his eyes. How had he let things get so out of hand?

  Oliver sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly, trying to make sense of what had just happened. He'd never meant to hurt her. He cared about her. In such a short space of time she'd become more than a colleague, more than a friend... more than a girlfriend?

  Was there any truth in what she'd said? Had he really behaved so badly? He'd been upfront about what he'd needed from her, especially regarding the staff and the changes here at the hospital. He hadn't asked her to lie or be deceptive, not that she was capable of either. Stephanie was an honest woman and he'd realised that from their earliest acquaintance.

  The phone on his desk shrilled to life and he snatched it up, thankful for the distraction. 'Dr Bowan.'

  'Oliver. It's Stephen.'

  Oliver closed his eyes, trying to stifle a groan. How was he supposed to stop thinking about Stephanie how? 'What can I do for you?'

  'I'd like to talk about Steph.'

  Oliver shook his head and opened his eyes, looking unseeingly at the work on his desk. 'Going to read me my rights?'


  'You know, do the over-protective brother thing and bawl me out for treating your sister badly? If you are, then I have to say now is not a good time.'

  Stephen was silent for a moment. 'Have you?'

  'Treated her badly?' Oliver raked his free hand through his hair. 'Probably. I don't know. I'm rather confused at the moment. I take it from the fact you're calling me that you've felt her anguish and spoken to her.'

  'She wouldn't talk. She just said she'd be around tonight to stay over. So I thought I'd get the scoop from you.'

  'What? You're not going to tell her I'm all wrong for her? That I'm a divorced, single father who has more problems than her inexperienced heart can handle?'

  'You seem to be under the impression that I want you and Steph to stop seeing each other.' .

  'Don't you?'

  'You've told me you respect her and I believe you. Besides, since you arrived her emotions have been in a constant state of flux.'

  'Really? Is that a good thing?'

  'It's good for Steph. With the few relationships she's had, she's always been in control. She would call the shots and she would walk away without getting too badly hurt. In fact, with the majority of the men she's dated, she's stayed friends with most of them. What happened was that she never really put herself out there, put her heart on the line. With you, she has. She's in love with you.'

  'I know.'

  Silence again from Stephen. 'And do you love her?'

  'It's a question I seem to be getting asked quite frequently of late.'

  'Do you have the guts to answer it?'

  'Do you?'

  'She's told you about Nicolette and I,' Stephen stated, then chuckled humourlessly. 'Looks as though we're both in the same boat.'

  'Stephanie's positive you'll end up together. She says Nicolette is perfect for you.'

  'So she's told me.'

  'She's not one to keep her cards close to her chest.'

  'Steph? You'd be surprised, Oliver. She only shares the positive things.'


  'She may have told you she loves you but she'll hide all the pain and heartbreak she's feeling right now. She'll lock herself up so tight even I'll have trouble penetrating her emotions.'

  'She's supposed to come to Sydney with Kaz and me tomorrow.'

  'She told me.'

  'But you said she's staying at your house tonight.'

  'Yes. She'll be there. She'll go to Sydney with you because she doesn't want to let Kaz down. She's one amazing woman, Oliver.'

  'You don't need to convince me.'

  'Obviously I do, otherwise you'd know whether or not you're in love with her.'

  'Does this mean I have your approval?'

  'You have the power to give her either the greatest joy she's ever felt or the greatest pain.'

  'Very prophetic words.'

  'Yes, and I've just realised they apply as much to me as they do to you. Looks as though we both have a lot of thinking to do.'

  'I appreciate your call, Stephen.' Oliver hung up and sat there, staring at the telephone, letting Stephen's words slowly sink in.


  The next morning, Oliver dragged himself out of bed and went to have breakfast. He'd stayed up until two o'clock, hoping Stephanie might have changed her mind and come home. Home? The old saying about home being where the heart was flashed through his mind, and he groaned.

  'Something wrong, dear?' Mrs Dixon asked as he sat down at the kitchen bench. .

  'When isn't something wrong, Mrs D.? Any coffee?'

sp; 'You look exhausted. I think this trip to Sydney will do you all the world of good. Clear away some cobwebs.'

  'You're not coming?'

  'Oh, no. The thought of having today and tomorrow all to myself, to sit and read a book uninterrupted, is too good to pass up. Besides, I don't want to get in the way.'

  'Very tactful of you,' Oliver muttered as Kasey walked in, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. 'Good morning, Kaz.' . 'Morning, Dad. Is Steph not up yet?'

  Oliver looked from his daughter to Mrs Dixon and back again. Kasey was going to have a fit when she realised Stephanie wasn't here and, more to the point, that he was the reason Stephanie wasn't here. 'Well...'

  'She called last night,' Mrs Dixon interrupted him, 'when you were in bed, Kasey. She spent the night at her brother's house. It seems she needed to discuss some things with him.'

  'Oh.' Kasey frowned then looked at her father. 'Did you know about it?'

  'It was mentioned to me.' Oliver and Mrs Dixon shared another look.

  'OK,' Kasey demanded. 'What's going on? You two are acting really strange.' When neither adult spoke, she continued, 'Look, I may only be eight years old but I'm not stupid. I can tell when there's something wrong. Dad, were you a jerk to Steph?'


  'Is that why she stayed at her brother's?'


  'Kasey, show a little respect for your father.'

  'No. She's right, Mrs Dixon, and she has every right to question me. Stephanie and I had a...discussion yesterday and, yes, she was mad at me. But rest assured, I intend to put things right because even being in this house without her doesn't seem right.'

  He'd felt guilty about making her leave. She felt hurt and humiliated and it was all because of him. Well, he'd always been a man who took responsibility for his actions and this was no exception.

  'What do you mean?' Kasey asked sceptically.

  A smile touched Oliver's lips as he felt his mood begin to lift. 'I have a plan. Want to help me?'

  'Will it make Stephanie happy?'

  'I hope it will make all of us happy.'

  Kasey jumped up and down and clapped her hands. 'Goody.'

  Stephanie pulled up outside the house just before ten. Oliver hadn't called Stephen's house to hurry her up, so she presumed he was waiting for her. Either that or he'd just gone and left her behind.

  She closed her eyes as she switched off the engine, not wanting to think about it. If he wasn't inside, if he had left, that would be the final nail in their relationship. The unmistakable sign that it was over. She opened her sore eyes and took a deep breath, deciding she couldn't put off the inevitable any longer.

  No sooner had she taken a few steps towards the house than Kasey came hurtling outside, almost throwing herself into Stephanie's arms.

  'You're here.'

  Stephanie hugged the girl back, fresh tears filling her eyes as the relief that they were still there swamped her.

  'Why are you crying?' Kasey asked when she pulled back. She slipped her hand into Stephanie's and tugged her inside. 'Are you all right?'

  Stephanie sniffed with happiness. 'I'm good. Just a little fragile.'

  'Yeah. Dad told me he was a jerk to you yesterday.'

  Stephanie raised her eyebrows at this information and the hope inside her grew a little more.

  'Come on, Dad said we're leaving in half an hour. I'm not sure what to wear. What do you wear to go shopping?'

  'Comfortable shoes,' Stephanie replied automatically, and both of them giggled as they reached the house.

  'Is that all? Just comfortable shoes?' Oliver was standing by the door, dressed in denim jeans and a royal blue polo shirt, which highlighted the magnificent colour of his eyes. He looked gorgeous and undeniably sexy. The small smile that touched his lips was one she'd been aching all night long to see. The scent of him teased her and her eyelids fluttered closed for a moment before she tried desperately to pull herself together. Why was it that thirty seconds in his presence turned her to mush? His eyebrows were raised in question and she realised he was waiting for an answer.

  'Well, perhaps some clothes, but definitely comfortable ones.' She forced her gaze away from his. 'Although, if you go shopping in uncomfortable clothes, it means you definitely have to buy new ones and wear them immediately.'

  Kasey laughed. 'Yes, yes. Let's do that.'

  Oliver groaned. 'This trip is going to be more expensive than I thought.'

  'Daddy!' Kasey groaned, and glared at him as though he was giving away some secret.

  'What? 1 was just making a comment. Come on, you two. Get packed because we're out of here in thirty minutes and no later.'

  Kasey tugged Stephanie into her room. 'Do you have a bag? We need a bag. I'm already packed. In fact, I was packed last night. I did it by myself but then, I'm kind of used to it. But it was good, packing clothes that weren't school uniform.' She squealed excitedly. 'I can't believe I don't need to go back to that school. That I'm going to stay with my dad for ever.'

  Stephanie laughed at Kasey's animation. 'I'm really happy for you.'

  'Come on, Steph. Will you pack already?'

  'Sorry.' Stephanie did as she was told and it wasn't until they were ready to get into the car that she realised she hadn't booked accommodation in Sydney. Before she could voice her thoughts, another problem arose. Mrs Dixon was hugging both Kasey and Oliver goodbye! 'You're not coming, Mrs D.?'

  'Oh, no, dear. I've done enough travelling in the last few weeks to last me quite a while. You all go and have a good time, and I'll look after the house.'

  There was nothing Stephanie could do because Oliver had climbed behind the wheel of his hire car and was starting the engine.

  'Come on, Steph. Put your seat belt on,' Kasey demanded.

  Feeling highly self-conscious, she climbed in, shut the door and buckled up. She wasn't sure whether or not to say something to Oliver. If he'd told her Mrs Dixon wasn't coming, she wouldn't have come... And then it hit her. Oliver wanted her to come.

  She glanced surreptitiously at him, wondering if she dared let her hope increase yet again. He had his sunglasses on and was concentrating on the road as he reversed, tooting the horn and waving goodbye to Mrs D.

  'So, Kaz. You get first pick of the music. Which CDs did you pack?'

  Kasey named her favourite artist—the one whose picture Stephanie had printed out for her. 'He's s-o-o nice.'

  'Excellent,' Stephanie said, and took the CD Kasey passed over. She inserted it and soon they were both singing along to the songs while Oliver listened, a bemused smile on his face.

  'Both of you have such sweet voices,' he said.

  Stephanie laughed, enjoying herself. 'I know Kaz's voice is unbelievable, but I think even "sweet" is going a little too far in my case. I'm not completely tone deaf but close to it.'

  The time seemed to pass more quickly than usual and before Stephanie knew it they were down from the mountains, heading for the motorway to Sydney's centre. It was then she remembered about the accommodation.

  'Uh...where are you two staying?'

  'The same place as you.' Oliver glanced over, smiling at her. He named the hotel and her eyebrows rose.

  'Pretty expensive.'

  This is Sydney. Everywhere is expensive. This weekend is a special occasion.' He glanced in the rear-view mirror. 'Isn't that right, Kaz?'

  'Yep. I'm gonna tell that lawyer that I'm staying with my dad.'

  Oliver winked at his daughter and she winked right back. Stephanie felt as though she'd just missed something, but as some idiot driver pulled out from nowhere, causing Oliver to swerve and slam on the brakes, she didn't say anything.

  'You both all right? I'd forgotten what it's like, driving in Sydney. I think I'd better concentrate more,' he muttered, shaking his head.

  Stephanie switched off the music so Oliver could concentrate, and they made it to the hotel without further mishap. 'I'd forgotten how stressful Sydney traffic is.' He handed the keys to the valet after th
ey'd taken out their overnight bags. 'Let's get checked in.'

  'What time's your appointment with the solicitor?'

  'He's a friend from school so he told me to give him a call once we were settled.'

  'Oh. You mean the snooty boarding school you went to?'

  Oliver smiled at her and she felt her heart flutter with happiness. 'One and the same. You're welcome to come with us.'

  'Dad!' Kasey glowered but Oliver waved her concerns away.

  Stephanie once more looked from one to the other. 'That's all right. I was hoping to catch up with a few friends from med school. They're at Royal North Shore so I'll spend time there while you're busy.'

  'And then we're going shopping, right?'

  Stephanie laughed. 'Right, and then more shopping tomorrow.'


  'Looks as though I'll have time to myself as well. After all...' he glanced down at his jeans '...I'm still not wearing a dress.'

  Kasey giggled. 'So you can't come shopping. It's just me and Steph.'

  'Steph and I,' both adults corrected her, then laughed.

  Once Oliver had checked them in, they were shown to two adjoining rooms. 'You two can sleep in one and I get the other all to myself,' Oliver teased.

  'Unfair.' Kasey pouted. 'I think you and Steph should share and I get one to myself.'

  Oliver met Stephanie's gaze and she could instantly feel her face becoming flushed. Nothing had been sorted out. From all the things she'd said to him yesterday afternoon, nothing had been sorted. They'd just called some weird truce—a truce she didn't know the rules to—and she could feel herself beginning to panic deep inside.

  Her mouth went_ dry and she swallowed, feeling swamped with shyness. She saw the flash of desire in his eyes and knew her own reciprocated the awareness, even though she wasn't quite sure where .she stood. She loved him, he wanted to date her. That's where they'd left things. Was this weekend supposed to show her it would be least until Oliver decided he didn't want her any more?

  'I think we'll keep things the way they are,' Oliver told his daughter, and Stephanie wondered whether the words were aimed at her and the status of their relationship.

  Thankfully, she seemed to find her brain again and looked away, putting her bag onto the end of one of the beds.