Coming Home to Katoomba Page 16
'Just think, we can have girl talk all night long. We can paint our toenails and put curlers in our hair.' She paused as she spoke and Kasey giggled. 'Hmm. Perhaps we'll just put the curlers in your hair.'
'Might be a bit hard in yours,' Oliver agreed.
'Which reminds me, I need to make some phone calls.'
'Who are you calling?' Oliver asked.
'Ah, now, that's important girl stuff and as you've already pointed out, Dr Bowan, you're not wearing a dress so...out.' She pointed to the connecting door.
'Unfair,' he grumbled, but left them alone.
'Who are you calling?' Kasey said once he'd left.
'My hairdresser. It's time to decide on a new colour.'
Stephanie was able to catch up with her friends while Oliver and Kasey went to see his solicitor. As she caught a taxi back to the hotel, late in the afternoon, she hoped everything had gone well for father and daughter. It was a strange situation and she wondered whether it bothered Oliver that his ex-wife might one day marry his brother? Kasey's uncle would become her stepfather but, hopefully, she wouldn't have to see them that often.
Back at the hotel, she found Kasey impatiently waiting for her. 'We finished ages ago.'
'Don't exaggerate, Kaz.' Oliver laughed and turned to face Stephanie. 'We've only been back for half an hour— if that. Have fun visiting your friends?'
'Yes. It's always good to see them.' Although this time she'd felt rather disjointed. It was as though her friends were from a different part of her life—her life before Oliver. Had she really changed that much in such a short time?
'Are we going shopping or what?' Kasey demanded. Stephanie checked her watch.
'The shops are open for about another half an hour so we'd better hustle. Then we can finish tomorrow.'
They went to a few shops closest to them and Stephanie bought Kasey a bracelet with Kaz on it. 'Something to remember me by.'
'Are you going somewhere?'
Stephanie shrugged. 'Things may not always be as they are now.'
'You mean between you and my dad? No. I guess they won't.' Kasey's smile was broad, her eyes sparkling. It puzzled Stephanie.
'We'd better get back in time for dinner.'
Oliver was waiting downstairs for them in the hotel restaurant and Stephanie was thankful they weren't going out again. She was exhausted. Too much thinking, trying to decipher expressions or little snippets of information. She was thankful when Oliver declared it time for bed.
'I was just going to excuse myself.'
'I'm not surprised. That's about the tenth time you've yawned in the last few minutes.'
Stephanie smiled as they rode the lift up, Kasey snuggled in her father's arms. 'Sorry. I didn't mean you were boring company.'
'I understand.' He stopped outside their door and waited for her to open it.
'Do you?'
He placed Kasey on the bed and took off the girl's shoes before pulling the covers around her. Then he straightened and walked over to Stephanie.
'I understand completely,' he declared firmly, and she knew they were talking about something completely different. They stood, gazing into each other's eyes, the world around them disappearing. He brushed his fingers over her cheek, his thumb gently caressing her lips which parted immediately, letting him know they were desperate for his touch.
'Steph,' he sighed, his eyes darkening with desire, but he made no move to kiss her. He wanted nothing more than to be with her but knew he had to take it slowly, especially if he wanted his plan to come to fruition. With superhuman effort he dropped his hand and took two steps to wards, his door. 'Get some sleep.' His voice was deep and husky with repressed emotion. 'I've booked us in for breakfast at nine so sleep in if Kaz lets you.'
In the next breath he was gone and Stephanie was left to have another fitful sleep, wet tears falling silently onto her pillow. In the morning she felt even more miserable than she had the previous day. It was then she realised that the emotions she was experiencing weren't just her own. 'Not now, Stephen,' she muttered as she showered. Thankfully, Kasey had slept right through until just after eight o'clock and had then watched television while Stephanie had eventually, given up all pretence of sleep and decided to get the day started.
They were halfway through breakfast when she suddenly felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders. 'Excuse me,' she said, pulling her cellphone from her pocket as she stood. 'I just need to check on Stephen.'
Oliver glanced up. 'Everything all right?'
'Feels that way to me.' She smiled brightly at him, unable to believe how happy she felt. 'Back in a minute.'
Oliver watched her walk away before going over the plan with Kasey. He glanced again in the direction Stephanie had gone, wondering about her brother. Had Stephen found the answers to his own questions?
All was revealed when Stephanie eventually came back, brushing tears away. 'What's wrong?' Oliver was out of his chair, his hands on her shoulders as he gazed down into her face. Then he realised she didn't look upset...she looked happy.
'Nothing's wrong. Everything's just perfect.'
'What's going on?' Kasey demanded.
'Stephen and Nicolette just got engaged.'
'Just then?' Oliver smiled, happy for her and for her brother.
'Yes. They let me listen to the proposal and be involved and everything, and it was so great and now I just want to see them.'
'But what about shopping?' Kasey wailed.
Stephanie laughed. 'We are not postponing shopping. I have to find the perfect outfit for my brother's wedding.'
'Do you think I'll be invited?'
'I'm certain of it. So, if you've finished eating, let's get this shopping day organised.' She turned to face Oliver. 'No dress?'
'No. I don't have the legs for it.'
She laughed again, amazed at how happy she felt after being so miserable for the last few days. 'Perhaps we should get you a kilt. Surely, with the surname of Bowan, you have some Scottish ancestors somewhere.'
'Now, there's a thought. If I wear a kilt, can I join in with the girl stuff?'
'No!' Kasey wailed, and grabbed Stephanie's hand. 'Let's go, Steph. Bye, Dad.'
Stephanie shrugged as she snatched up her bag.
'I'll call you with details about lunch.'
'OK,' she agreed, before Kasey dragged her from the restaurant. The two of them shopped until they dropped and Stephanie was surprised how much fun shopping with an eight-year-old could be. 'You definitely have a shoe fetish,' she told Kasey. 'You've already bought two new pairs. Do you really need these boots?'
'But they're so good. They're purple.'
'Yes. I wish they had them in my size. What's the price?' They checked the ticket and when they found they were half-price, Stephanie didn't even hesitate in carrying them to the counter and paying for them. 'Shopping is great but getting a bargain is even greater.'
'I want to wear them.'
'Yes. They match your new outfit perfectly.'
'I love that new dress. The burgundy colour goes great with your new hair colour.'
Stephanie laughed. 'I can't believe you talked me into wearing it. It's a bit flash just to go shopping in.'
'But this is a special weekend, remember?' Kasey smiled. 'I can't believe we have the same hair colour. It was so cool, watching you get it done. I like it.'
'Does that mean you like your colour now?'
She thought about it for a moment. 'You know, I think I do. And mine's natural.'
Stephanie laughed as Kasey changed her shoes, the purple patent-leather boots topping off her outfit. 'We look fit for lunch with the Queen.'
'Who's the Queen?' Kasey asked as the sales assistant boxed up her old shoes and handed them over.
'Oh, Kaz. You've been living in America too long.'
'Duh. Only all my life...until now.'
Stephanie's phone rang. 'That'll be your dad.'
'Having fun?' he asked.
'Almost done?'
Stephanie checked her watch, surprised to find it was half past one. 'I think we're definitely in need of sustenance.'
'Good. Where are you?' She gave him the name of the store. 'Be outside the main entrance in five minutes.'
'OK.' She disconnected the call and was stunned when five minutes later a limousine pulled into the kerb and Oliver got out. 'Oliver!' She looked him up and down. 'You look...' She shook her head, unable to find the words to describe how incredible he looked in a tux.
'I was just thinking the same thing about you. I really like the hair.'
She smiled shyly under his gaze.
'What do you think of my new outfit, Daddy?'
Oliver somehow managed to tear his gaze from Stephanie to look at his daughter. 'You look so grown-up. You're very beautiful, Kaz.' Then he frowned. 'Did you get your ears pierced?'
'No way. They're clip-ons. Steph said I should wait till I'm a bit older.'
He looked back at Stephanie. 'She's a wise woman.' He winked conspiratorially at Kasey. 'And she should know, she has so many earrings. Now, shall we go to lunch?' The chauffeur came and relieved them of their many shopping bags before Oliver helped Kasey into the car. Then he turned to Stephanie, his gaze washing over hers once more. 'Mademoiselle?' He offered his hand.
'Monsieur.' When she placed her hand in his, she had the strange sensation she'd just come home. It was odd. 'So where are we going, or is it a surprise?'
'Sydney Tower.'
'To the revolving restaurant?'
'Yes. Problem?'
She pretended to consider him thoughtfully. 'I'm concerned you can't handle it. From what I've heard, you get sick on dizzy rides.'
Oliver pointed his finger at Kasey. 'Someone told you about Disneyland.' Kasey merely giggled. 'Thankfully, the restaurant doesn't go around that fast.'
When they arrived, and after going through the metal detectors, they were whisked up in the high-speed lift, their ears popping. At the gallery level, they exited and went through to the reception lounge, where they were greeted by the restaurant's hostess.
'Welcome, Dr Brooks, Ms Bowan and Dr Bowan,' the hostess said. 'This way.'
Stephanie frowned. 'How did she know my name?' It wasn't until they were shown to their table that Stephanie realised they were the only ones in the restaurant.
'Surprise!' Kasey said, clapping her hands excitedly. 'Now you see why you had to wear your new dress? So we could all be in our bestest clothes for lunch.'
Stephanie's gaze met Oliver's. 'I don't understand. Is this because you have custody of Kaz?'
'Partly. Please, have a seat.' He glanced at Kasey. 'Now or later?'
'Now. Now. Do it now.' The eight-year-old was bubbling with excitement.
'Yes. I can't wait either.' He motioned for the hostess and she wheeled over a trolley. On the trolley were two bunches of Australian wildflowers and two tiny boxes... jewellery boxes. Oliver handed one box to Kasey and took the other one for himself. 'You first, honey.'
'OK.' Kasey came around and gave Stephanie a hug.
'No,' Oliver said. 'Wait a second.' He pulled his cellphone from his pocket. 'We need to call Stephen.'
'Good idea.' Kasey gave Stephanie another hug, climbing onto her lap. 'Isn't this exciting?'
'I...' Stephanie swallowed, unsure what was going on, but knew, whatever it was, it was something vitally important to each and every one of them. 'Yes.'
'Stephen,' Oliver said into his phone, and Stephanie wondered how he'd got Stephen's number before she remembered Oliver had access to it at the hospital. 'It's Oliver. I hear congratulations are in order.'
'Yes. Is Steph all right?'
'I think so. Her hair is now a beautiful reddish-orange and it completely suits her, as does the beautiful dress she's wearing.'
'Steph's in a dress? Is that why she's apprehensive, or is there another reason?'
'There's definitely another reason and Kaz and I would like you to witness it.. .well, listen to it.' He shook his head. 'We'll just get on with it.' He placed the phone on the table and nodded to Kasey.
'OK.' Kasey handed Stephanie the box. 'Open it.'
Stephanie did as she was told and gasped when she saw the most gorgeous pair of emerald earrings nestled there.
'I love you, Steph. You're so much fun and you make me and my dad happy. Please, be my stepmom?'
Stephanie didn't even make an effort to stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks.
'You have to, you know, because we have the same hair colour.'
Both Stephanie and Oliver chuckled, their gazes blending.
'Now it's your turn, Dad.'
Oliver nodded and went down on one knee. 'Stephanie, what Kaz said is so true. You make us both so happy and it's because you love with such a generous spirit. In a very short time you've made me understand and feel wholeheartedly what true love is all about. I not only want to apologise for being so slow to realise it but I want to remedy the situation right now.' He opened the box and there was the most perfect emerald ring with a circlet of diamonds twinkling around it. 'I love you, Stephanie. Please, accept me as your husband.'
Stephanie looked at him through blurry eyes and sniffed again. 'Dad. We forgot tissues,' Kasey whispered, but a moment later a box appeared and Stephanie was able to wipe her eyes and blow her nose.
'Are you thinking about it? If you are, I don't blame you.' Oliver gazed at her with love and a hint of uncertainty. 'I was such a jerk not to realise sooner just how I felt about you.'
Stephanie reached out and placed a finger over his lips, silencing him. 'How could you even think I'd refuse? I love you, Oliver.'
He stood and, breaking the drought, pressed his mouth to hers. For both of them, it was as though they had truly come home.
'Hey. You're squashing me.'
Oliver and Stephanie laughed as they broke apart, both of them kissing Kasey—one on each side.
'I love you, too,' Stephanie said. 'So much. And I'd be honoured to be your stepmum.'
'It's mom.''
They all laughed and then Stephanie remembered the phone on the table. She picked it up. 'Hi, bro.'
'Hey, yourself. Nice going.'
'You, too. How's Nic?'
'Doubly excited now.'
Stephanie laughed. 'I'm glad you were listening.'
'Tell Oliver I appreciate it. He's perfect for you.'
Stephanie smiled at the man of her dreams, who was sliding the emerald ring onto her finger. 'You've got that right. I'm going to go now. Love you.' She rang off. She admired the ring on her finger. 'It's so perfect.'
'It had to be green because, no matter what colour your hair is, the emerald will remind us of what colour it was when we met.'
'Put the earrings in,' Kasey suggested, and Stephanie complied.
'I've asked the estate agent to hold off putting the offer in until you've had a good look over the house. Kaz likes it and so do I but you need to like it, too. If you don't, we'll find one we Can all grow old together in.'
Stephanie inserted the earrings and, after admiring them, Kasey walked off to ask about lunch, declaring herself very hungry.
'I'm so sorry, Steph,' Oliver said, sitting down and dragging her onto his lap, his arms securely around her. 'I was scared to take a chance. Things went so wrong with Nadele that I wasn't sure I could put my heart on the line again. You've taught me how to trust, how to give and how to love. For years I've been trying to get home. The only problem was, I had no idea where home was. Now...' He pressed his lips to hers. 'Now...I'm finally there and it's perfect. You are perfect for me and I have to warn you, I can't get enough of you.'
Their lips met and in the kisses they shared there were no unanswered questions, no wondering, no unknown factors. There was truth, respect and a powerfully consuming love.
'Are you two still mooching?' Kasey demanded, as she returned and sat down. 'Well, you can keep on going but I was sick of waiting for lunch so I've ordered—for all of
us.' .
Grinning widely, she looked over her shoulder. The hostess was wheeling out another trolley, this one filled with desserts.
'Lunch according to an eight-year-old.' Oliver shook his head and smiled.
'Hey. This is also lunch according to a thirty-five-year-old,' Stephanie told him.
'Women!' Oliver rolled his eyes. 'Should I start praying for a son now?'
Stephanie smiled and winked at Kasey. 'It couldn't hurt. Then again, it may be twins.'
Oliver groaned. 'Heaven help me!'