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Wedding on the Baby Ward / Special Care Baby Miracle Read online

Page 4

  ‘Oh, that’s probably because I’ve been up since four this morning. That’s when our first new baby for the day decided to arrive and as I live the closest … well, I don’t mind being called in.’

  ‘Where do you live?’ Miles asked, walking back to the other side of Sheena’s bed, putting more distance between himself and his new colleague who, when he’d been close to her, had sent shock waves throughout his entire being such as he hadn’t felt in an exceedingly long time.

  He had no idea how or why this had happened, which was unusual for him. He was the man in charge, the one they all came to when they needed answers, and he liked it. The spark of awareness he’d just experienced when he’d been close to Janessa Austen meant absolutely nothing. He was a professional … and he was jet-lagged. Yes, that was most likely why this awareness of her had flared up. He was jet-lagged.

  ‘Janessa’s been living in the residential wing of the hospital for the past six months,’ Sheena provided. ‘She says it’s the easiest way to keep an eye on me and the girls.’

  He was surprised at this news. ‘Really? Why not find an apartment close by?’ Miles wanted to know, looking at Janessa who was almost ready to sprint out the door.

  ‘Her house burned down and it’s being rebuilt,’ Sheena offered, answering for her once more. Janessa was glad of that as she was still struggling to get herself under control and to not look at Miles. ‘We were supposed to go apartment-hunting but that’s when I found out the twins were conjoined. I crumbled into a blathering mess and Janessa picked me up.’ Sheena smiled lovingly at her friend.

  ‘You’d have done the same for me,’ Janessa replied, then opened the door, this time keeping her gaze trained on Sheena. ‘Riley will be around soon to do his evening checks on you, but call me if you need anything, all right?’

  ‘Yes, I’m fine. I have too many people fussing over me, especially Riley. What a fusspot of an obstetrician he is. Go. Sleep. See you in the morning.’ Sheena waved to her friend.

  Janessa nodded and with a polite smile aimed at Miles she all but ran from her friend’s room.

  The instant she was gone, Sheena turned to look at Miles, watching him closely. ‘I don’t believe it,’ she said softly.

  ‘Believe what?’ he asked. ‘You.


  ‘What?’ Miles was a little taken aback. ‘Oh, don’t play stupid with me. I’ve seen that look in your eyes before.’

  ‘What look?’ Miles settled down into the chair beside her bed and took her wrist in his fingers in order to check her pulse, hoping to distract her from whatever it was she was about to say. Fifteen seconds later, he released her. ‘Good. How’s your blood pressure?’


  ‘Pardon?’ Miles looked at Sheena. ‘When we worked together ten years ago, we also worked with a doctor whose name was Wendy. Do you remember Wendy?’

  ‘Of course I remember Wendy,’ he replied a little briskly, and stood to walk to the end of her bed, unable to stay calm and seated if Sheena was determined to take him on a trip down memory lane. Wendy. How could he ever forget Wendy? He couldn’t.

  ‘You were very interested in Wendy when we met ten years ago.’

  ‘What? How do you know?’

  ‘You had this twinkle in your eyes. Every time she would come into the room, you would let your gaze rest on her a little longer than usual.’

  ‘Are you sure you weren’t projecting the way you used to stare at Will? Honestly, the two of you were madly in love. I still don’t know why it didn’t work out. He would never tell me.’

  Sheena shook her head. ‘We’re not talking about me and Will, we’re talking about you and Janessa.’ ‘Janessa?’

  ‘Yes. You have the same twinkle in your eyes now as you did back then. You’re interested in Janessa,’ Sheena pointed out, then paused and tilted her head to the side, her tone a little softer. ‘Whatever happened to Wendy? The two of you were such good friends back then but once my year was up I returned to Australia and sort of lost track of everyone.’

  Miles looked down at his shoes for a second and then met Sheena’s gaze. ‘You were right in guessing I was interested in Wendy. I was, so much so that I married her.’

  ‘What? You’re married?’

  ‘Widowed.’ The word was spoken softly.

  ‘Oh, Miles. Oh, I’m so sorry. I … I had no idea.’

  He shook his head and touched her hand. ‘It’s fine. She died seven years ago in a train crash.’ It was the night where his life had gone from wonderfully full to horrifically empty. ‘I’ve had a lot of years to work through the different stages of grief.’

  ‘That may be, but you’re still alone, right?’

  Miles nodded. ‘It’s not so bad. I have my work. I have strong bonds with colleagues.’ He thought of his good friend Will Beckman and although he still wondered what had happened between Sheena and Will all those years ago, now was not the time to discuss it. There was no way he could risk a rise in Sheena’s blood pressure simply to satisfy his curiosity. ‘And now I get to hang out with you again so that’s a bonus.’ He smiled and watched as Sheena relaxed back against the pillows.

  ‘And you get to work with Janessa, too. She’s really quite amazing—don’t let her youthful looks fool you.’

  ‘Oh, I’ve already learned that lesson.’ He shifted a little farther away from the bed and turned his attention to a large bunch of flowers on the shelf, pretending to be interested, hoping his words came out with the right amount of nonchalance. ‘Janessa, while looking as though she’s barely old enough to drive, has proved she’s more than capable not only of running a hectic NICU but also of putting visiting consultants firmly in their place.’

  Sheena laughed. ‘That’s our Nessa. And you like her.’

  Miles breathed in deeply, the scent of the flowers reminding him of the sweet scent that surrounded Janessa, before slowly exhaling. ‘I’m … interested,’ he admitted.

  Sheena clapped her hands and Miles couldn’t help but smile as he looked at his friend. ‘I knew it. The twinkle is unmistakable. So?’

  ‘So … what?’

  ‘So what are you going to do about it?’ ‘Nothing.’

  ‘Nothing? Miles, how many women have you been interested in since Wendy died?’

  He thought for a moment and then shrugged. ‘A few, but nothing serious.’

  ‘And I’ll bet that none of them have captured your attention so completely and as quickly as Janessa, am I right?’

  ‘Uh …’ He shoved his hands into his pockets, feeling awkward. ‘We don’t need to discuss this, Sheena.’

  ‘Hey. I’m the human incubator, who lies here day in, day out providing the best care a mother can for her babies, feeling as though I’m trapped in this room while the world keeps spinning without me. Throw me some crumbs, eh?’

  Miles smiled at her words. ‘All right, all right. I haven’t pursued anyone since Wendy’s death.’

  ‘And now you’re interested in Janessa?’

  He exhaled harshly, his words tinged with a slight impatience. ‘Do I like what I’ve seen of her? Yes. Am I intrigued to know more? Yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to do anything about it.’

  ‘What? Why not?’

  ‘Because the life I lead is not suited to people like Janessa.’

  ‘How do you know that? You hardly know her.’

  ‘She has her world here. That’s clear. She cares for her staff, her friends and most definitely for you, and my world is anywhere and everywhere. The fact that she’s caught my attention is neither here nor there. I don’t have the head space for any sort of romantic relationships.’

  ‘Well, you at least be nice to her.’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘And take her out to dinner. She needs food. She’s too skinny. But then again, maybe because I’m so fat and stuck in here all day like a beached whale, my perceptions are a little skewed.’

  Miles laughed at her words but crossed to her sid
e instantly, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. ‘You’re not fat.’ His words were heartfelt. ‘You’re pregnant.’

  ‘An incubator,’ Sheena grumbled, but smiled back at him. Sighing, she looked at Miles. ‘Janessa’s special.’

  ‘I’m beginning to realise that.’

  It took the walk down the single flight of stairs to the NICU for Janessa’s heart rate to return to a normal level as she tried not to replay every little minute detail of when she’d been dangerously close to Miles Trevellion.

  He was turning out to be quite the chameleon. First he’d been brisk and arrogant, then supportive towards Sheena and then … And then what? Hot and heavy with her? No. The man had taken her hand in his purely as a form of greeting, and when her idiotic knees hadn’t been able to cope with being so near to him, he’d placed a supportive hand at her waist in order to stop her from falling. He’d been caring and polite.

  And what about the long and intense gaze they’d shared?

  She closed her eyes for a brief moment, her heart rate once more picking up as she remembered the way he’d looked at her. Surprise, shock and sensuality. Until that moment, she hadn’t thought it possible to get all three together but Miles Trevellion had pulled it off … with a bang.

  Janessa shook her head, pushing the thoughts away completely. Work. Babies. Sheena. Sleep. Those were the important things in her life at the moment, not thoughts of Miles Trevellion, and with a deep breath she set off to do her job. After confirming that both Joey and Taneesha were doing just fine, and that the rest of the patients and staff were under control, Helena, who was on the night shift, shooed her away.

  ‘You look completely worn out,’ Helena said as she pointed to the NICU door. ‘Food, shower and sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.’

  There was nothing else for Janessa to do than to head out of the NICU. She walked through the long corridors, the hospital catering team out in force as they collected all of the dinner trays from the various wards. Smelling the food reminded her she hadn’t had much opportunity to eat today and as she headed outside beneath the sheltered walkway that led to the residential wing, her stomach grumbled. All she wanted was to get to her room, have some raisin toast and go to bed.

  ‘Wow. I heard that. You must be really hungry,’ a deep voice said from just behind her. Janessa didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. She may have only known Miles Trevellion for less than a day but his voice was instantly recognisable. ‘That’s one growly stomach you have there, Janessa.’

  It was strange to hear her first name coming from his lips, the deep rich tones somehow making her name sound sexy and sensual. He fell into step beside her. ‘I guess it is.’ ‘Busy day?’

  ‘How can you ask that? You saw first-hand what the NICU was like at lunchtime.’

  ‘Yes, I did, and from what I can recall you handled everything beautifully. Especially impatient and demanding visiting consultants.’

  She stopped walking and he stopped right beside her. Janessa looked up at him, wondering if this was another one of his tests or if he was being serious. She searched his eyes, looking for a clue to help gauge his mood, and then immediately wished she hadn’t.

  His eyes were so blue, so bright, so clear, like the sky on a cloudless day, and even though the light outside was starting to fade, looking into Miles’s eyes made her feel the same way she felt when she was up in her plane, soaring above the ground, without a care in the world. It was odd. No man had ever made her feel that way before. She sighed slowly and then closed her eyes, not wanting to be affected by him and cross with herself because it was clear that she was. He was her colleague and she had to remember that, to treat him with the same level of polite indifference she treated the other surgeons who slipped in and out of her unit.

  When she opened her eyes, she made sure she didn’t look at him directly in case she lost her train of thought again. ‘What do you want, Miles? I’m off duty, I’m tired—’

  ‘And you’re hungry. I was thinking … dinner? I’m new in town and have no clue which restaurants are the good ones.’

  She shrugged. ‘You can get a list from Reception at the residential wing.’ She started walking again, wanting to get back to the privacy of her own room so she could relax and unwind and forget all about Miles Trevellion and the way he seemed to fill her entire body with tingles every time he looked at her.

  ‘Actually, that was my attempt at asking you to join me. Sorry. Should have made that clear.’

  Janessa stopped short and stared at him. ‘You want to have dinner with me?’

  ‘Yes. You’re hungry. I’m hungry. I thought we could eat together. Clear the air a little.’

  ‘If you’re referring to the way you bawled out an agency nurse earlier to the effect that she’s now requested never to return to the NICU again, consider the air cleared.’

  ‘Good.’ He shoved his hands in his pockets. ‘Good. Well, now that the air is clear, I guess we can just have dinner and get to know each other better.’

  ‘Why? You’re a colleague and I—’ She stopped arguing when her stomach growled again.

  Miles decided enough was enough and gently put his hand beneath her elbow and directed them towards the taxi rank at the front of the hospital where he’d arrived that morning. ‘It’s just food, Janessa. I would like to sit across a table and eat food. I’d like to have some company while I do it and I also have some questions about the conjoined twins I’d like to ask you.’

  ‘Oh. A business dinner.’ She shrugged, easing away from his gentle touch, hoping the warmth currently spreading through her body would cease when she wasn’t so close to him. She should turn him down, return to her room, eat her toast and sleep. That was what she needed to do and it would definitely put a bit of distance between them. However, she hadn’t left the hospital grounds in over a week and the thought of having Giuseppe, the owner of her favourite Italian restaurant, cook her a huge plate of fettuccini made her mouth water. ‘Do you like Italian food?’ A taxi was driving by the road closest to the residential wing and she put her fingers in her mouth and gave a loud whistle. ‘Taxi!’ she yelled, and the car instantly drove up to the kerb.

  Miles was stunned and pleasantly surprised at this turn of events. Who was this woman? She was well liked and respected by her peers, she was exceptional at her job, she was a caring friend to Sheena and now she was whistling loudly for a cab. Smiling, he opened the taxi door for her and as she slid inside he shook his head, even more delighted and intrigued by this amazing woman.


  THE short taxi ride to her favourite Italian restaurant was completed with Janessa pointing out some of the immediate sights of Adelaide, which looked beautiful at dusk, just in case Miles asked her anything personal. She needed to keep reminding herself that this wasn’t a date, it was just dinner with a colleague, and yet she was completely aware of him sitting so close beside her in the back seat of the taxi.

  At the restaurant, they were warmly welcomed by Giuseppe and seated at a small table for two, their waiter lighting the candle in the centre of the table, giving the whole setting a more romantic atmosphere.

  They read the menus, ordered and then sat looking at each other. Janessa tried not to fidget with the cutlery, telling herself again that this was not a date, just a dinner between colleagues to discuss Sheena’s twins. At least if they were discussing work, there wouldn’t be any of those long and awkward silences that often accompanied two people who didn’t know each other on a personal level. Awkward silences … like … the one she was experiencing now.

  ‘So …’ Janessa cleared her throat, eager to get this meeting off on the right foot. ‘Uh … regarding the girls, I know we’ll be doing a lot of scans once they’ve been delivered. However, what would happen if it’s discovered they share a femoral artery?’

  Miles leaned back in his chair and considered her for a moment. It was clear Janessa wanted to ensure this was a business meeting and while he was still
highly intrigued by her, wanting to ask her more personal questions, he’d play along for now.

  ‘Well, my professional opinion is that we should cross that bridge if we come to it.’

  Janessa blinked, hiding a smile before trying again. ‘But what if there is a vein that’s hidden, that isn’t picked up on the scans, and it gets severed during the separation?’

  ‘Then I suture it closed.’ Miles leaned forward onto the table, his gaze intent, his words earnest. ‘Janessa, I know you’re concerned about the upcoming surgeries for the girls, I understand how much they mean to you, but nothing is going to go wrong.’ He shrugged. ‘I’m here.’

  She tried again. ‘But what if—?’

  ‘Janessa, there are too many variables to discuss right now, right here, at dinner, especially with your stomach grumbling and growling. We’ll cover all eventualities and discuss every scenario in the coming weeks before the scheduled delivery of the twins. Right now, though, I’m hungry. You’re hungry. Let’s enjoy this meal.’ He picked up his wineglass and took a sip. ‘So … have you lived in Adelaide long?’

  She blinked slowly at his obvious arrogance and the abrupt change of subject. ‘But what if the girls—?’

  ‘How long? One year? Ten years? Or have you always lived in Adelaide? It’s not a difficult question, especially for someone as intelligent as you are.’

  Janessa huffed and crossed her arms. ‘Born and bred.’

  ‘Travelled much?’

  ‘We’re here to discuss the twins, not talk about me.’

  ‘I beg to differ. If you’re going to be part of my team, I need to know a bit more about you.’

  ‘And so discovering where I’ve lived helps you do that?’

  ‘It gives me a sense of who you are and what’s important to you. So … have you travelled much?’

  ‘A bit.’ She noticed that he seemed completely relaxed and at ease but, then again, a man as good looking and as intelligent as Miles would be quite used to meals like this. It was she who felt so odd, so naked and exposed.

  ‘Would you like to do more travel?’