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Wedding on the Baby Ward / Special Care Baby Miracle Read online

Page 5

  ‘Not at the moment. Especially with Sheena needing me.’

  ‘Of course. It’s clear that the two of you are very close.’


  He put his wineglass down and leaned forward, a bright smile on his face. ‘Am I making you nervous?’

  ‘A little.’ The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them and she immediately closed her eyes in confusion as embarrassment washed over her. He was so smooth, so relaxed and charming. How was she supposed to keep herself under control when every time he looked at her he made her feel as though she was the only person in the world who mattered to him. She knew it was his magnetism that was drawing her closer with every word he spoke.

  ‘You don’t date much?’

  The feeling of embarrassment instantly left her and her eyes snapped open. ‘This isn’t a date, Miles. It’s a business dinner.’

  ‘True. So, tell me about Sheena. How has she really been feeling? Sleeping much? What’s her emotional status? As her friend, I’m sure you can give me a much clearer picture than what her chart and notes tell me.’

  ‘True.’ Relaxing a little, Janessa sipped her wine. ‘She’s … hanging in there. I guess that’s the best way to describe it. Naturally, her emotions are like a roller-coaster ride, but that’s to be expected. She’s also scared, nervous, worried—again, just like any other mother-to-be. But I think she’s also concerned about the publicity the babies will garner once they’re born. I mean, I know and you know that conjoined twins happen more frequently than people realise—’

  ‘One in every two hundred identical twin pregnancies is conjoined.’

  ‘Exactly, and each one of them has their fair share of publicity, although thankfully nowadays the publicity is more centred on the health of the babies and the subsequent operations to separate them rather than the “freakish” angle. Still, Sheena’s worried about that.’

  Miles nodded. ‘It’s a natural concern and one I’ve dealt with in different ways depending on the different services of the hospital where the babies are born. I think, in this instance, with the way your NICU is set up, we’ll be able to secure the girls in a private bay, with screens and curtains so they can still receive the specialist treatment they deserve. Once they’re stabilised, we can move them to a private paediatric ward, but that may not be for some months. It all depends on how healthy they are when they’re born.’

  ‘What about photographers and paparazzi? What about the other mothers in the NICU? What if one of them takes a photo of the babies and sells it to the newspapers? I’m not saying that any of them would, but I’m—’

  ‘You’re just trying to be prepared,’ he finished for her, nodding. ‘I completely understand. My suggestion is to take photographs of the girls within the first twenty-four hours, have your hospital PR people release them with an update on the girls’ health and that should at least stop the temptation for people on the ward taking photographs and selling them.’

  ‘Excellent idea. So clear, so straightforward, so simple. Brilliant.’

  The waiter arrived with their entrées, the minestrone soup sending her gastronomic juices into overdrive. She grinned at Miles as she sipped the hot, tasty liquid, glad to finally be able to eat.

  ‘When was the last time you ate today?’

  ‘Um …’ She swallowed her mouthful and broke off a piece of fresh, crusty bread which had also been brought to the table. ‘Some time early this morning? I’m not sure. I know I’ve had several cups of tea and coffee.’

  ‘Some days are busier than others.’

  ‘Some days I eat more than others.’

  He nodded, knowing exactly what she was talking about. ‘It all pans out in the end.’ Miles lifted his wineglass, holding it out. Janessa picked hers up and chinked it with his. ‘To finding time to have a meal,’ he toasted, and she smiled, relaxing a little more.

  As they ate, the conversation turned to different topics ranging from politics to health-care funding, to recent breakthroughs in medical science and back to Sheena and the twins. By the time they said goodnight to Giuseppe, thanking him for a splendid meal, and had caught a taxi back to the residential wing, Janessa’s stomach was full and her guard had dropped.

  She’d discovered tonight that the brilliant man who had written all the journal articles she liked was also interesting, charming and very funny. Quite a few times he’d made her laugh as he’d recounted antics from some of the experiences he’d had.

  ‘As with all new parents, it’s customary to name your children at birth,’ he’d recounted. ‘But with the second set of conjoined twins I was fortunate enough to assist with, the parents, who were from Tarparnii, called their boys Ticanegia and Tocneshla. Then they shortened the names to Tic and Toc.’ His smile had been bright, his eyes had twinkled with humour and Janessa had found herself just enjoying being with him as they’d laughed together.

  He’d been a perfect gentleman, holding doors for her, insisting on paying for the meal and transportation, and now as they exited the taxi and headed for the residential wing, he walked close, his hand hovering in the small of her back as a means of protection and stability.

  She swallowed as they walked into the reception area of the residential wing, feeling as though every eye in the place was on them.

  ‘Evening, Janessa,’ Arthur, the night-time receptionist-cum-security-guard, called, waving to her. ‘And Dr Trevellion. Good to see you again.’

  Miles guided Janessa over to the elderly but still fit man who had worked at this hospital far longer than either of them had been alive. Miles shook hands with the man, treating him with polite respect.

  ‘Good to see you again, and please call me Miles.’

  Arthur nodded, then asked, ‘Did you manage to find somewhere good to eat?’

  ‘Actually, I did. Janessa here was good enough to share her favourite restaurant with me.’

  ‘Giuseppe’s,’ Janessa offered as she noticed Arthur’s bushy eyebrows rise in surprise. She could see that he was intrigued by the two of them being out together.

  ‘It’s good to see you getting out and about, young lady.’ He turned his attention to Miles. ‘She works too hard, this one.’ He looked back at Janessa. ‘You should get away from the hospital more often. Go for a drive in your fancy car.’

  Miles’s eyebrows rose at this information. ‘You have a fancy car?’

  Janessa shook her head, not wanting to talk about her car or the fact that it had belonged to her father. That car was part of her personal life and therefore had nothing to do with Miles Trevellion. ‘It’s just a car.’

  ‘I like cars. A lot,’ he offered.

  She looked at him for a moment, tilting her head to the side in a considering manner. ‘I’ll bet you like to drive them fast, too.’

  Miles’s smile increased and he winked at her. ‘You’d better believe it. Helps to keep the heart pumping. Makes me feel alive.’

  Janessa was sure she should have said something, come up with a retort that he, as a member of the medical profession, should know all about the dangers involved in such daredevil behaviour, but her thought processes had turned to mush the instant he’d winked at her.

  ‘Surely,’ Miles continued when she didn’t make any reply, ‘you have ways of dealing with your stress? Tell me you escape from this place every once in a while and remember how to live life like a normal person, rather than a medical professional tied to their work?’ When she still made no reply, he exhaled slowly. ‘Life’s too short, Janessa.’

  ‘I keep telling her that,’ Arthur agreed, and Janessa snapped out of her stupor, having forgotten for a moment exactly where she was. She straightened her shoulders as Arthur continued. ‘I keep telling her to ease up a little.’ He tut-tutted, his words spoken in a caring and familiar way.

  ‘And I will ease up, once Sheena’s babies are all healthy and well on their way to living normal lives.’

  At the mention of Sheena, Arthur demanded an update and she was
more than pleased to give it, especially as it meant she could stop fixating on how one simple wink from Miles had turned her into a dim-minded twit. ‘These aren’t just Sheena’s babies,’ he said to Miles. ‘They belong to the whole hospital. Sheena’s one of our own and here at Adelaide Mercy we take care of our own.’

  Miles smiled. ‘So I’m beginning to realise. It’s great to work at a hospital that has such a close-knit community.’ He looked at Janessa, remembering how she’d been firm and direct with him earlier on that day, protective of her staff, her NICU and her friends. He noticed that her eyelids were growing heavier and when she tried to stifle a yawn, rather unsuccessfully, he shook hands again with Arthur and led a tired Janessa towards the old lift.

  ‘Which floor are you on?’ Miles asked as he pressed the button to call the lift down.

  ‘Three. Ordinarily I’d take the stairs but …’ She yawned, then shook her head. ‘This always happens. Now that I’m out of the hospital, it’s as though my brain switches off and my body gives in to exhaustion.’

  Miles nodded. ‘Happens to me, too.’ The lift arrived and he held the door for her, waiting politely while she went inside. He pressed the button for the third floor and they both waited while the old lift creaked its way upwards. ‘Perhaps the stairs would have been safer,’ Miles remarked cautiously as he looked around the old lift.

  ‘Probably.’ Fatigue was really starting to hit. She needed to get out of this lift, escape Miles Trevellion’s enigmatic presence and settle down to a hopefully uninterrupted night. Even standing here with him, just the two of them, there was a strange awareness, being alone together in such a confined space, that seemed to surround them.

  When the lift finally stopped, Miles once more held the door for her and Janessa thankfully stepped out into the hallway. She was about to turn and say goodbye when she realised he, too, had stepped from the lift.

  ‘Are you staying on this floor as well?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes.’ He dug into his pocket and pulled out a key. ‘Apparently, the residential wing used to be the old nurses’ home many moons ago.’

  ‘Correct,’ Janessa said as she made her way down the corridor.

  ‘The third floor was where they converted some of the rooms into small apartments with a kitchenette and their own bathrooms, although I was told that the plumbing hasn’t been all that crash hot lately.’

  ‘True. I can ask for you to be moved to the first floor where they actually have a lovely two-bedroom apartment, complete with a proper sitting room and dining room. Much bigger. Nicer for you and the plumbing on that level is fine.’ She wasn’t sure she could deal with working and living so close to him. The fact that she’d been looking forward to his arrival and the realisation that the impatient doctor she’d met earlier in the morning was that of a man exhausted from international travel was now clearly evident. Since they’d headed out to dinner, he’d been nothing but kind, cordial and caring towards her. Still … living and working in such close proximity to him would make her far more aware of him than she already was.

  ‘Thanks.’ He stopped outside a door—the door that happened to be right next to the door Janessa stopped outside. ‘But here will be fine for the next six months. I don’t need that much room. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not one of those surgeons who is dictatorial and demanding.’ He smiled at her and she noted the same teasing glint in his eyes that she’d seen when they’d been at the restaurant when he’d been relating some of his more humorous stories.

  ‘Good to know,’ she countered as she pulled out her key and inserted it into the lock.

  He lifted his eyebrows in pleasant surprise. ‘Neighbours, eh?’

  ‘Looks that way. Hope you don’t snore too loudly.’

  He laughed, both of them standing there, looking at each other, the world around them disappearing. Even though she’d told herself all evening that their dinner hadn’t been a date, she couldn’t help but feel like he was about to kiss her goodnight.

  Slowly, the smile slipped from his lips as they stood there, staring, the awkwardness mixing with the awareness that seemed to all but sizzle between them. Janessa looked up into his soothing blue eyes and found herself sighing, knowing that if she let herself go, she could look into his eyes all day long and never get bored. It had been a very long time since she’d been attracted to a man in such a way and the sensations he was evoking were making her feel all warm and tingly.

  ‘Uh …’ She swallowed over her dry throat. ‘Well … thank you for dinner.’

  ‘My pleasure. Thank you for coming with me. It was nice to spend my first evening here at Adelaide Mercy in such fine company.’

  A shy smile touched her lips at his words. ‘Oh … er … thanks, I guess.’

  His rich, deep, chuckling laughter rumbled through her. ‘Listen to us. So polite, so full of thank-yous.’

  She nodded. ‘Our mothers would be proud.’

  ‘Yes. Yes, they would.’ He shoved his hands into his pockets, unsure whether he should shake her hand, give her a polite hug or just nod and turn away. It was odd. He wasn’t used to being unsure of himself.

  ‘Well …’ she said, uncertain what to do next. Her mind, which was usually fairly sharp, seemed to have shut down through sheer mental exhaustion … and the fact that he was so close to her.

  ‘Well …’ he repeated, knowing he should move, go into his apartment and let her do the same. When she smothered another yawn, he nodded, decision made, and held out his hand in a polite form of saying goodnight. ‘Get inside and get some sleep,’ he said softly as she slipped her hand into his, pleased that he’d made the decision as to how they should end this evening. A handshake. Nice, polite, formal … maybe too formal. Perhaps a quick kiss on the cheek. Yes. A bit less formal, a bit more familiar but still professional.

  She looked down at their hands, clasped firmly and perfectly together, the warmth from his touch spreading up her arm to burst forth and heat the rest of her insides.

  At the slight tug on her hand, she looked up and realised, belatedly, that he was leaning towards her, heading in to kiss her cheek. However, the moment she moved her head, Miles’s lips connected—not with her cheek but with her lips!

  She gasped in shock and surprise but didn’t immediately pull away, the world around them slipping and sliding and faltering a little as the pressure of Miles’s mouth on hers remained intense, intoxicating and intriguing.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed as his spicy scent wound its way around her, drawing her in, heightening every sensation now zinging throughout her. Pleasure, confusion, excitement, doubt.

  He was kissing her!

  She was kissing him!

  Neither of them were moving away.

  With her heart pounding so wildly against her chest, she thought it was going to break right through her ribs, Janessa stayed very still, scared that if she shifted, even slightly, he’d think she didn’t like the sensation of having his mouth against hers.

  Accidental? Yes. Powerful? Yes. Eager for more? Definitely yes.

  He hadn’t meant to kiss her, not like this, not on the lips, but she’d turned at the wrong moment and then … and now … and how was he ever supposed to think coherently ever again? He’d simply been intent on a firm and polite handshake, combined with a small peck on her cheek to let her know that he appreciated her going to dinner with him, and now it had turned into something unknown and electrifying.

  He closed his eyes, either to memorise every moment they were sharing or to fight the urge to develop this impromptu kiss even further. The need to haul her close, to hold her firmly against him, to part her lips with his and—

  Janessa jerked back, letting go of his hand and stepping back against her apartment door. Miles opened his eyes and looked at her, unable to believe the repressed desire and complete confusion he saw reflected in her rich, chocolate depths.

  ‘Goodnight.’ The word was choked and dry against her throat. Quickly she turned her back to him, her
heart still hammering wildly against her chest, her breathing erratic, her cheeks flushed and her legs threatening to fail her. She fumbled with her key but another second had her door open and she was soon safely on the other side of it.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, glad she’d been able to break free from the overwhelming sensations Miles had evoked deep within her, she stayed where she was, head back against the door, eyes closed, eager for her lungs to once again be filled with the appropriate amount of oxygen.

  ‘Goodnight, Janessa. Sleep well,’ she heard him say through the paper-thin walls, and then she heard him open his own door and walk into his apartment. She closed her eyes again and allowed his rich, deep tones to wash over her, delighting at the way her name seemed to sound like a caress from his lips.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes and pushed away from the door to walk on unsteady legs towards her bedroom. Miles had just kissed her! The man’s lips had been pressed to hers and she’d liked it!

  Flopping face down onto her bed, she whimpered in confusion. How on earth was she supposed to face him tomorrow at their nine-thirty meeting? How was she supposed to pull herself together and sit across the table from him and talk about work when all she would be able to think about was the way his mouth had felt so warm and perfect against her own?

  She had no idea.

  Miles put his key down on the empty bookshelf by the door and closed his eyes. Shaking his head, he couldn’t believe what had just happened. He’d kissed another woman. Sheena had been right. He was interested in Janessa in the same way he’d been interested in Wendy. He’d loved and lost and the pain had nearly killed him. He couldn’t … wouldn’t go there again.

  Whatever he felt for Janessa was irrelevant. He was there for the twins. All his relationships at Adelaide Mercy must remain professional. It was a matter of survival.


  JANESSA woke up upon hearing a noise and checked her alarm clock.

  ‘Ten past three,’ she muttered as she flopped back onto the pillow and sighed. With her eyes still closed, she fumbled around for her mobile phone and pager, which were on the nightstand next to her bed. Squinting, she looked with bleary eyes at the bright display on both of them but she hadn’t received any messages or calls. Unsure what noise had woken her, she decided to ignore whatever it was and go back to sleep. Her alarm would be going off in just under three hours and after her hectic day yesterday she deserved all the sleep she could get.